
Switches to Spotify if music is played on DLF Nova radio stream.

flake8, markdown, lint
pip install dlf-nova-play-my-own-music==0.1.0



DLF-Nova Play My Own Music

The DLF nova playlist is just a few hours long, leading to a lot of repetitions if you listen long enough. This is kind of annoying, because the news-bits are quite interesting. So I programmed a script that detects music/news and switches to spotify during the music parts on the radio.

This project is work in progress, I want to make it easier to use.


Get started

  1. To use the Spotify API a client id and client secret are needed, it can be created here
    1. Save SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID in your environment (example 1a2ef9787cc1638261545d6dadb2315)
    2. Save SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET in your environment (example 2c12e5161ace0476c8f2abc70a924ac76)
  2. Find your spotify username and insert it in spotify_username in online_prototype.py
  3. Install with pip install DLF-Nova-Play-My-Own-Music
  4. dlfnova -su my.spotifyusername to start

After some setup messages it should generate logs like this

19:20:34: Class:  music, prob.:  96%, filtered signal:   0%, AI performance:  3.3Hz
19:20:36: Class:  music, prob.:  66%, filtered signal:   0%, AI performance:  3.5Hz
19:20:39: Class:   news, prob.:  84%, filtered signal:  70%, AI performance:  3.3Hz
19:20:42: Class:   news, prob.:  99%, filtered signal:  91%, AI performance:  3.3Hz switch to radio
[00000282eb2c49d0] prefetch stream error: unimplemented query (264) in control
19:20:44: Class:   news, prob.: 100%, filtered signal:  97%, AI performance:  2.8Hz
19:20:47: Class:   news, prob.: 100%, filtered signal:  99%, AI performance:  3.4Hz
19:20:49: Class:   news, prob.: 100%, filtered signal:  100%, AI performance:  3.3Hz

Technical details

I trained a simple deep learning model to classify an audio single as "music" or "news", using this classifications, I switch between my spotify device and the online radio stream.


The dataset consists of:

To split training (80%) and test (20%) datasets, the files are separated randomly before splitting into chunks. The mp3 files are split into 10s chunks (no overlapping) at 44100Hz. Each chunk is converted to the feature vector, making the dataset files relatively small.

Input vector/features

Based on this this medium article and this article I chose three features: MFCC (related to speech/music separation, from librosa), GFCC (typical used for speaker recognition, from spafe) and onset_strength (related to beat detection in music, from librosa). It results in a 256 dimensional vector.

# feature vector
mfccs = librosa.feature.mfcc(y=audio, sr=sample_rate, n_mfcc=20)
mfccs_scaled = np.mean(mfccs.T, axis=0)

    gfccs = gfcc(audio, num_ceps=20)
    gfccs_scaled = np.mean(gfccs, axis=0)
except Exception:
    gfccs_scaled = np.zeros(20)

hop_length = 2048
oenv = librosa.onset.onset_strength(y=audio, sr=sample_rate, hop_length=hop_length)

return np.hstack((mfccs_scaled, gfccs_scaled, oenv))

Where audio is always a 10 second audio chunk at 44100Hz sample rate.

Deep learning model

I used the Keras model from this medium article

model = Sequential()

model.add(Dense(256, input_shape=(input_size,)))



model.compile(loss="categorical_crossentropy", metrics=["accuracy"], optimizer="adam")

where input_size is 256.

It trained for 100 epochs, default learning rate, batch size 256 and saved the weights with the lowest validation loss.


It achieved 99.8% accuracy during training and 98% for the validation set.


The script online_prototype.py registers through the spotify API and requests with OAUTH permission to see the devices and modify the player state. It downloads the DLF stream in 40kB chunks and outputs an classification every 2 to 3 seconds. This signal is smoothed and it triggers switching events. The radio is streamed via VLC.

Known issues

  • Some songs are classified as news sometimes, due to the simple model. Happens with rap especially. The news sometimes have a beat in the background as well.
  • [00000282eb2c49d0] prefetch stream error: ... logs, they come from VLC


  1. Train better model for fewer switching errors
  2. Fading the sound during the switch event