
convert a dlt file to json

pip install dlt2json==0.0.2



Convert a GENIVI's dlt file to json format.

This is a draft version and only supports log type for now.

Control, app trace and network trace payload is encoded in hexadecimal.

DLT message format


0..3 header pattern DLT1

4..7 4 bytes epoch time (little endian)

8..11 4 bytes microseconds (little endian)

12..15 4 bytes ECU ID

16 1 byte header type contains some configuration data

  • use extended header
  • MSB first
  • with ECU ID
  • with session ID
  • with timestamp
  • version number, 0x1

17 1 byte message counter

18..19 2 bytes lentgh of complete message without header

20..23 4 bytes ECU ID again

24..27 4 bytes session number

28..31 4 bytes timestamp since system start in 0.1 milliseconds

32 1 byte message info contains some configuration data too

  • message type (log, app trace, network trace, control)
  • message type info (debug, error, ...)

33 1 byte number of arguments

34..37 4 bytes application ID

38..41 4 bytes context id


0..4 4 bytes argument type

5..6 2 argument size

.... argument


$ python setup.py install


For a quick test, download testfile.dlt and run

$ dlt2json testfile.dlt
    "000": {
      "seconds": 1305029670,
      "microSeconds": 828120,
      "ecu": "ECU",
      "sid": "N/A",
      "timestamp": 979535935,
      "app": "APP",
      "ctx": "CON",
      "type": "control",
      "info": "request",
      "args": 1,
      "payload": "11 00 00 00 04 72 65 6d 6f"
    "030": {
      "seconds": 1305029677,
      "microSeconds": 562582,
      "ecu": "ECU",
      "sid": "N/A",
      "timestamp": "N/A",
      "app": "LOG",
      "ctx": "TES4",
      "type": "log",
      "info": "info",
      "args": 2,
      "payload": "0 Hello world"
    "104": {
      "seconds": 1305029689,
      "microSeconds": 47104,
      "ecu": "ECU",
      "sid": "N/A",
      "timestamp": "N/A",
      "app": "N/A",
      "ctx": "N/A",
      "type": "N/A",
      "info": "N/A",
      "args": "N/A",
      "payload": "91 01 00 00 1a 00 00 00 0c 00 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64 00"