
CLI utilities for using docassemble

pip install docassemblecli==0.0.13



docassemblecli provides command-line utilities for interacting with docassemble servers. This package is meant to be installed on your local machine, not on a docassemble server.


The dainstall and dacreate programs require that you have Python installed on your computer. The dawatchinstall program requires bash and fswatch. These prerequisites are easy to find on Linux machines, but are harder to install on Windows and Mac systems. If you run Windows, see the last section of this README for instructions on getting a command line in Windows Subsystem for Linux.


To install docassemblecli from PyPI, run:

pip install docassemblecli



docassemblecli provides a command-line utility called dacreate, which creates an empty docassemble add-on package.

To create a package called docassemble-foobar, run:

dacreate foobar

You will be asked some questions about the package and the developer. This information is necessary because it goes into the,, and LICENSE files of the package. If you do not yet know what answers to give, just press enter, and you can edit these files later.

When the command exits, you will find a directory in the current directory called docassemble-foobar containing a shell of a docassemble add-on package.

You can run dacreate --help to get more information about how dacreate works:

usage: dacreate [-h] [--developer-name DEVELOPER_NAME]
                [--developer-email DEVELOPER_EMAIL]
                [--description DESCRIPTION] [--url URL] [--license LICENSE]
                [--version VERSION] [--output OUTPUT]

positional arguments:
  package               name of the package you want to create

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --developer-name DEVELOPER_NAME
                        name of the developer of the package
  --developer-email DEVELOPER_EMAIL
                        email of the developer of the package
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        description of package
  --url URL             URL of package
  --license LICENSE     license of package
  --version VERSION     version number of package
  --output OUTPUT       output directory in which to create the package


docassemblecli provides a command-line utility called dainstall, which installs a Python package on a remote server using files on your local computer.

For example, suppose that you wrote a docassemble extension package called docassemble.foobar using the docassemble Playground. In the Playground, you can download the package as a ZIP file called You can then unpack this ZIP file and you will see a folder called docassemble-foobar. Inside of this folder there is a folder called docassemble and a file.

From the command line, use cd to navigate to the folder that contains the docassemble-foobar folder. Then run:

dainstall docassemble-foobar

On Windows, you will need to write python -m docassemblecli.dainstall in place of dainstall, so your command will look like this:

python -m docassemblecli.dainstall docassemble-foobar

The first time you run this command, it will ask you for the URL of your docassemble server and the API key of a user with admin or developer privileges.

It will look something like this:

$ dainstall docassemble-foobar
Base URL of your docassemble server (e.g.,
API key of admin user on http://localhost: H3PWMKJOIVAXL4PWUJH3HG7EKPFU5GYT
Saved base URL and API key to .docassemblecli
Waiting for package to install.............................

The next time you run dainstall, it will not ask you for the URL and API key.

You can run dainstall --help to get more information about how dainstall works:

usage: dainstall [-h] [--apiurl APIURL] [--apikey APIKEY] [--norestart]
                 [--force-restart] [--server SERVER] [--playground]
                 [--project PROJECT] [--add] [--noconfig]

positional arguments:

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --apiurl APIURL    base url of your docassemble server, e.g.
  --apikey APIKEY    docassemble API key
  --norestart        do not restart the docassemble server after installing
                     package (only applicable in single-server environments)
  --force-restart    unconditionally restart the docassemble server after
                     installing package
  --server SERVER    use a particular server from the .docassemblecli config
  --playground       install into your Playground instead of into the server
  --project PROJECT  install into a specific project in the Playground
  --add              add another server to the .docassemblecli config file
  --noconfig         do not use the .docassemblecli config file

For example, you might want to pass the URL and API key in the command itself:

dainstall --apiurl --apikey H3PWMKJOIVAXL4PWUJH3HG7EKPFU5GYT docassemble-foobar

If you have more than one server, you can run:

dainstall --add

to add an additional server configuration to store in your .docassemblecli config file. Then you can select the server using --server:

dainstall --server docassemble-foobar

If you do not specify a --server, the first server indicated in your .docassemblecli file will be used.

The --norestart option can be used when your docassemble installation only uses one server (which is typical) and you are not modifying .py files. In this case, it is not necessary for the Python web application to restart after the package has been installed. This will cause dainstall to return a few seconds faster than otherwise.

The --force-restart option should be used when you want to make sure that docassemble restarts the Python web application after the package is installed. By default, dainstall will avoid restarting the server if the package has no module files and all of its dependencies (if any) are installed.

By default, dainstall installs a package on the server. If you want to install a package into your Playground, you can use the --playground option.

dainstall --playground docassemble.foobar

If you want to install into a particular project in your Playground, indicate the project with --project.

dainstall --playground --project testing docassemble-foobar

Installing into the Playground with --playground is faster than installing an actual Python package because it does not need to run pip.

If your development installation uses more than one server, it is safe to run dainstall --playground with --norestart if you are only changing YAML files, because Playground YAML files are stored in cloud storage and will thus be available immediately to all servers.

How it works

The dainstall command is just a simple Python script that creates a ZIP file and uploads it through the docassemble API. Feel free to copy the code and write your own scripts to save yourself time.

Automatically calling dainstall

You can use the bash script dawatchinstall to call dainstall automatically every time a file in your package directory is changed.

For example, if you run:

dawatchinstall --playground --project testing docassemble-foobar

This will monitor the docassemble-foobar directory, and if any file changes, it will run:

dainstall --playground --project testing --norestart docassemble-foobar

If a .py file is changed, however, it will run

dainstall --playground --project testing docassemble-foobar

With dawatchinstall --playground constantly running, then after you save a YAML file on your local machine, it will be available for testing on your server very quickly.

To exit dawatchinstall, type Ctrl-c.

To use this, both dawatchinstall and dainstall need to be in your path; if it is not, you will need to edit the dawatchinstall script so that it can successfully call the dainstall script.

The dawatchinstall script depends on the fswatch command. If this command is not available on your system, you may need to install the fswatch package.

Running on Windows

If you are running Windows, a relatively convenient way to install these command-line utilities is to use Windows Subsystem for Linux.

In the Microsoft Store, search for "Ubuntu" and install it. This may require restarting your Windows machine. (Other Linux distributions will work just as well, so feel free to use a different distribution if you know what you are doing.)

Then run the Ubuntu app and answer the prompts to complete the installation.

From the Ubuntu command line, do:

sudo apt -y update
sudo apt -y install python3-pip fswatch
sudo pip install docassemblecli
dainstall --add

The last command, dainstall --add, will ask for your docassemble site URL and your API key. The API key that you supply needs to belong to a user with developer or admin privileges.

Use cd to switch to the directory above where your docassemble package is located. (Your Windows hard drive is located at /mnt/c inside of Ubuntu.)

For example, assume you have a folder docassemble-mypackage on your Desktop, and your username on your machine is jsmith. You would do:

cd /mnt/c/Users/jsmith/Desktop/

From there, you can run commands like:

dainstall docassemble-mypackage


dawatchinstall --playground --project mypack docassemble-mypackage