
Light-weight CLI for development using Vagrant + Docker

docker, vagrant, dockyard
pip install dockyard==0.2


Dockyard CLI

Light-weight CLI for development using Vagrant + Docker
GitHub <>

## Concept + Motivation

Using [Vagrant]( + [Docker]( together you can create identical development environments regardless of the host OS.  

Dockyard CLI helps solve some of the following problems:

#### Grunt work getting this utopia setup
  - $ vagrant up - Create a new vagrant vm and configure it for docker
  - $ docker build . - Create the docker containers required to run your application

#### Interacting with Docker from your host OS
To interact with docker you need to be inside your Vagrant VM. 
It would be nice if you could pass through commands to Docker from your host OS.

#### Running Docker images in certain formations
After you have your base Docker images created, you will want to create formations and wire them together.
You will want to be able to use DNS names in your Docker images to connect them to each other exactly as they would be in production.

#### Deploying your Dockyard formations to Production (eg. AWS)
When you're ready to move to Testing or Production you will want to push your Docker containers to staging servers / cloud.

## Installation

In the future I plan to make this project as an installable tool that is available on system path; 
however, currently it requires a file (eg. be created in the root directory of your project.
This project is to then be included in your project under the directory 'dockyard'.
For an example of this, see my [Webstack Demo Project](


import dockyard

cli = dockyard.Cli()

## Webstack usage

$ ./ 
usage: [-h] [--version] {docker,dockyard,stack} ...

Dockyard CLI

positional arguments:
    docker              Execute Docker related tasks from the host
    dockyard            Dockyard related operations
    stack               Stack related commands, can combine vagrant + docker
                        commands into a single command


## Dockyard
  - For starting formations of docker containers - under development

$ ./ dockyard
usage: dockyard [-h] {init,list,start,stop} ...

positional arguments:
                        Docker operations help
    init                Initialize Dockyard
    list                List active Dockyards
    start               Start dockyard(s)
    stop                Stop dockyard(s)

## Stack
 - All in one commands for getting up and going fast 

$ ./ stack
usage: stack [-h] {up,down,start,stop} ...

positional arguments:
  {up,down,start,stop}  Stack operations
    up                  Create Vagrant VM, build Docker containers
    down                Destroy Vagrant VM
    start               Start a dock configuration
    stop                Stop a dock configuration

## Docker
  - Control docker from outside of a Vagrant container
  - More logical grouping of Docker commands

usage: docker [-h] {command,build,image,container} ...

positional arguments:
                        Docker operations help
    command             Execute command
    build               Build images
    image               Image operations
    container           Container operations

### Docker command pass-through
 - Execute any native docker commands

usage: docker command [-h] arg [arg ...]

positional arguments:
  arg         Execution arguments

### Build docker images
 - Uses Dockyard conventions for building single or all docker containers

$ ./ docker build
usage: docker build [-h] docker [docker ...]

positional arguments:
  docker      Docker container names

### Image commands
 - Common docker image commands

$ ./ docker image
usage: docker image [-h] {list,remove,create,run,history} ...

positional arguments:
                        Image operations
    list                List images
    remove              Remove image(s)
    create              Create image(s)
    run                 Run image(s)
    history             Kill container(s)

### Container commands
 - Common container commands

$ ./ docker container
usage: docker container [-h] {list,kill} ...

positional arguments:
  {list,kill}  Container operations
    list       List container(s)
    kill       Kill container(s)