Docsteady Document Printer

pip install docsteady==1.1b2



docsteady is a python package (and optionally Docker container) that talks to Jira and the Adaptavist Test Management system to output Test folders and Test plans to a variety of documents by utilizing pandoc.


The defaults of docsteady are to build documents based on DM defaults. There are two commands you can give to docsteady to do this, generate-spec and generate-cycle.

Docker quickstart

# Use appropriate credentials
docker run -it --rm \
    -v `pwd`:/workspace -w /workspace lsstdm/docsteady:latest \
    docsteady generate-spec "/Data Management/Prompt" jira_docugen.tex


See the generated documentation.

Writing Templates

The templating engine we use is jinja2. (See We use pandoc for converting things between different formats.

In general, you can write a a template using jinja in any language supported by pandoc, including latex, html, markdown, and restructured text. Our default language is latex.

Resolving templates

For both goals, docsteady will first look for a template in load-from, which defaults to the current working directory, and if no template is found, it will then default to the templates defined in this package under docsteady/templates.

  • In the case of the generate-spec goal, it will by default look for a spec template.

  • In the case of generate-cycle goal, it will look for a cycle template.

  • When no options are presented to docsteady, the defaults are:

    • dm-spec.latex.jinja2 for generate-spec
    • dm-cycle.latex.jinja2 for generate-cycle
    • The generate format is {namespace}-{goal}.{template_format}.jinja2
  • An appendix can be processed separately. Accordingly, the defaults are:

    • dm-spec-appendix.latex.jinja2 for generate-spec
    • dm-cycle-appendix.latex.jinja2 for generate-cycle
    • The general format is {namespace}-{goal}-appendix.{template_format}.jinja2


String, Integer, etc...

This is just simple types and are treated as such in the templates.

Timestamps (arrow)

Timestamps are parsed and loaded to arrow objects. This allows flexible formatting when writing out to template. Timestamps are converted to US/Pacific by default.

A naive formatting of an arrow timestamp looks like this:

{{ testresult.execution_date.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') }}

For more information on formatting and conversion, see the arrow documentation:


Fields that are designated as HtmlPandocField means that docsteady will take the HTML output verbatim from Jira and translate that directly to the template language. This is possible because the Adaptavist Test Management framework provides a rich text editor, and stores the output as HTML. For Latex templates, this means your HTML is close to WYSIWYG in Latex.


Fields that are designated as MarkdownableHtmlPandocField will be intepreted primarily as an HtmlPandocField unless a special tag is found in the first line of the field:

[markdown]: #

If that tag is found, the text in jira field is interpreted as plain text, (ignoring any HTML formatting) and translated to the target template language. This includes code highlighting.

A more complete example:

[markdown]: #

# This is a markdown version of a test step

We can embed code in it:
import sys
... And it will be formatted in the final document just fine.


There are currently two main types of documents that can be generated - test specs and test cycles. In both cases, there are models in the respective files (docsteady/, docsteady/ and a small amount of code to aid in building the models.

Spec model and generate-spec target

generate-spec objects

  • testcases: List of testcases (ordered) (type: List[TestCase])
  • requirements_to_testcases: Map of requirement key to testcase key (type: Dict[str, str])
  • requirements_map: All found requirements - requirement key to requirement (type: Dict[str, Issue])
  • testcases_map: All found testcases - testcase key to testcase (type: Dict[str, TestCase]). This includes all test cases found in test scripts.

Spec Model

The following is a simplified version of the code in docsteady/ to aid template development.

class TestCase(Schema):
    key = fields.String(required=True)
    name = fields.String(required=True)
    #: String of owner's fullname
    owner = fields.Function(deserialize=lambda obj: owner_for_id(obj))
    #: Owner's Jira ID
    owner_id = fields.String(load_from="owner", required=True)
    #: Url of this test case
    jira_url = fields.String()
    component = fields.String()
    #: Nominal type is an arrow Timestamp
    created_on = fields.Function(deserialize=lambda o: as_arrow(o['createdOn'])) 
    precondition = HtmlPandocField()
    objective = HtmlPandocField()
    version = fields.Integer(load_from='majorVersion', required=True)
    status = fields.String(required=True)
    priority = fields.String(required=True)
    labels = fields.List(fields.String(), missing=list())
    #: Nominal type is a List[TestStep], see below
    test_script = fields.Method(deserialize="process_steps", load_from="testScript", required=True)
    issue_links = fields.List(fields.String(), load_from="issueLinks")

    # Just in case it's necessary - these aren't guaranteed to be correct
    custom_fields = fields.Dict(load_from="customFields")

    # custom fields go here and in pre_load
    verification_type = fields.String()
    verification_configuration = HtmlPandocField()
    predecessors = HtmlPandocField()
    critical_event = fields.String()
    associated_risks = HtmlPandocField()
    unit_under_test = HtmlPandocField()
    required_software = HtmlPandocField()
    test_equipment = HtmlPandocField()
    test_personnel = HtmlPandocField()
    safety_hazards = HtmlPandocField()
    required_ppe = HtmlPandocField()
    postcondition = HtmlPandocField()

    # synthesized fields (See @pre_load and @post_load)
    doc_href = fields.String()

    #: See below
    requirements = fields.Nested(Issue, many=True)

class Issue(Schema):
    key = fields.String(required=True)
    summary = fields.String()
    jira_url = fields.String()

class TestStep(Schema):
    index = fields.Integer()
    test_case_key = fields.String(load_from="testCaseKey")
    description = MarkdownableHtmlPandocField()
    expected_result = MarkdownableHtmlPandocField(load_from="expectedResult")
    test_data = MarkdownableHtmlPandocField(load_from="testData")

Simple Example

If you added example template (docsteady/templates/example-spec.markdown.jinja2), defined as:

# Testcases

{% for testcase in testcases %}
## {{ }}
On the web at {{ testcase.jira_url }}

### Requirements:
{% for requirement in testcase.requirements %}
* {{ requirement.key }} at {{ requirement.jira_url }}
{% endfor %}

{% endfor %}

You could generate the resultant file, in latex (by default) via:

  • docsteady --namespace example --template markdown generate-spec "/Data Management/Prompt

Or actually ask for it in markdown:

  • docsteady --namespace example --template markdown generate-spec --format markdown "/Data Management/Prompt"


  • docsteady --namespace example --template markdown generate-spec --format html "/Data Management/Prompt"

Cycle model and generate-cycle

generate-cycle template objects

  • testcycle: Test Cycle object (type: TestCycle)
  • testresult: List of Test results as found from the test cycle (type: List[TestResult])
  • testcases_map: All found testcases when processing test results - testcase key to testcase (type: Dict[str, TestCase]). This includes all test cases found from the test results.

Cycle model

class TestCycle(Schema):
    key = fields.String(required=True)
    name = fields.String(required=True)
    description = fields.String(required=True)
    status = fields.String(required=True)
    execution_time = fields.Integer(required=True, load_from="executionTime")
    created_on = fields.Function(deserialize=lambda o: as_arrow(o['createdOn']))
    updated_on = fields.Function(deserialize=lambda o: as_arrow(o['updatedOn']))
    planned_start_date = fields.Function(deserialize=lambda o: as_arrow(o['plannedStartDate']))
    owner_id = fields.String(load_from="owner", required=True)
    owner = fields.Function(deserialize=lambda obj: owner_for_id(obj))
    created_by = fields.Function(deserialize=lambda obj: owner_for_id(obj), load_from="createdBy")
    custom_fields = fields.Dict(load_from="customFields")
    items = fields.Nested(TestCycleItem, many=True)

    # custom fields
    software_version = HtmlPandocField()

class TestCycleItem(Schema):
    id = fields.Integer(required=True)
    test_case_key = fields.Function(deserialize=lambda key: test_case_for_key(key)["key"],
                                    load_from='testCaseKey', required=True)
    user_id = fields.String(load_from="userKey")
    user = fields.Function(deserialize=lambda obj: owner_for_id(obj["userKey"]))
    execution_date = fields.Function(deserialize=lambda o: as_arrow(o['executionDate']))
    status = fields.String(required=True)

class TestResult(Schema):
    id = fields.Integer(required=True)
    key = fields.String(required=True)
    automated = fields.Boolean(required=True)
    environment = fields.String()
    execution_time = fields.Integer(load_from='executionTime', required=True)
    test_case_key = fields.Function(deserialize=lambda key: test_case_for_key(key)["key"],
                                    load_from='testCaseKey', required=True)
    execution_date = fields.Function(deserialize=lambda o: as_arrow(o), required=True,
    script_results = fields.Nested(ScriptResult, many=True, load_from="scriptResults",
    issues = fields.Nested(Issue, many=True)
    issue_links = fields.List(fields.String(), load_from="issueLinks")
    user_id = fields.String(load_from="userKey")
    user = fields.Function(deserialize=lambda obj: owner_for_id(obj), load_from="userKey")
    status = fields.String(load_from='status', required=True)

class ScriptResult(Schema):
    index = fields.Integer(load_from='index')
    expected_result = MarkdownableHtmlPandocField(load_from='expectedResult')
    execution_date = fields.String(load_from='executionDate')
    description = MarkdownableHtmlPandocField(load_from='description')
    comment = MarkdownableHtmlPandocField(load_from='comment')
    status = fields.String(load_from='status')