Record an interpreter session and automatically insert it into a docstring. Also provides a shell-like tool that navigates through python packages/modules/classes for making doctests, inspecting, debugging, editing, and testing code.

doctest, doctests, docstring, docstrings, tests, testing, test, shell, inspect, inspection, creating, create, run, running, interactive
pip install doctestify==1.2.4



doctestify is a tool to make it easier to make doctests.

Key Features

  1. Enables entering an interactive session tied to the docstring of a particular python object. Inputs and responses are automatically recorded and inserted into the docstring as doctests.
  2. Shell-like tool for navigating, inspecting, testing, and making doctests for python objects defined in a project

What are doctests and why should I care?

Doctests are snippets of text that resemble a Python interactive mode session. Doctests can be embedded in the docstrings within your code in order to serve two purposes:

  1. To provide executable examples to users so they can better understand how to use your code

  2. To support automated testing by running these lines and confirming the expected outputs are produced

A docstring is a block of inline text within your code at the start of a module, class, or function to document the function. When the builtin help() function is called on an object, the docstrings for that object's class and methods are displayed. Additionally there are a number of tools, such as sphinx or pdoc that generate polished documentation files by scanning docstrings within a project.

How to use doctestify

First open a shell or command line window and navigate to the folder containing the packages and/or modules of interest. Then run:

$ python -m doctestify

Starting doctestify command line interface...
Welcome to the doctestify shell. Type help or ? to list commands.


You will then enter the doctestify shell, which was designed to look and feel very similar to a unix shell. The big difference is that instead of navigating through actual files/directories, the doctestify shell navigates through python packages, modules, classes, and functions. Tab-completion is supported.

In the shell, you can type help to list all the commands.

(doctestify)$ help
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF       cp       doctestify  h            ls     pwd     quit    run   
cd        debug    edit        help         mkdir  pytest  read    source
chdir     doc      exit        interactive  mv     python  rm    
coverage  doctest  getcwd      listdir      pip    q       rmtree

You can also type help followed by a command to get information about that particular command:

(doctestify)$ help ls

    Help: (doctestify)$ ls
        This will show all items contained within the currently targeted item.
            e.g. for a package, this would list the modules
            e.g. for a module, this would list the functions and classes
        Note that using this command may result in importing the module containing the currently targeted item.
        Note that files will be purposefully excluded because importing/inspecting them without providing commands results in terminating python.k

Use the pwd, cd, and ls commands to navigate through different items:

doctestify)$ ls
    doctestify          package             directory
    test_pkg            package             directory
    tests               package             directory
(doctestify)$ cd test_pkg
(doctestify)$ cd test_subpkg.test_mod.f
(doctestify)$ pwd

Once you are navigated to the item of interest, run the doctestify command to enter a recorded interactive python session. All items from the containing module of the targeted item will automatically be imported. You essentially just type the doctest inputs, and the interactive session will evaluate them and display the outputs. When done, press Ctrl+D to exit the interactive session. At this point, doctestify will write the recorded actions into the docstring of the targeted object. Afterwards, it will run doctests on that object to ensure there are no issues. If any issues are encountered, the original file will be restored and the problematic file will be saved with a special suffix in the same folder.

(doctestify)$ doctestify
Testing doctest execution of original file
...done: Fail count = 0, Total count = 0
Entering interactive console
Doctest insertion targeting object test_pkg.test_subpkg.test_mod.f within /home/mtm/interspace/doctestify/test_pkg/test_subpkg/
Press Ctrl+D to stop writing code and incorporate session into the docstring of the targeted object
To abort this session without writing anything into the targeted file, call the exit() function
>>> from test_pkg.test_subpkg.test_mod import * # automatic import by doctestify
>>> f(20)
Writing doctest lines to file
Testing doctest execution of new file
...done: Fail count = 0 (old=0), Total count = 1 (old=0)
File successfully updated


You can use the doc or source commands to verify the doctest was written in:

(doctestify)$ doc
>>> f(20)

(doctestify)$ source
File: /home/mtm/interspace/doctestify/test_pkg/test_subpkg/
def f(x):
>>> f(20)
return x


You can also change the current working directory that the doctestify shell is scanning for modules and packages with. You can navigate the filestystem using chdir, listdir, and getcwd, which do the same things as the standard python os module methods of the same name. Tab-completion is supported for chdir and listdir.

To exit the doctest shell, just press Ctrl+D or type the quit command.