
Lightweight tool for managing dotfiles with git and the command line.

pip install dot-cli==0.0.3



Lightweight tool for managing dotfiles with git and the command line.

Current version: 0.0.5


  • git set up on your machine.
    • Must use SSH key authentication. For more information see Generating SSH Keys.
      • You really should be doing this for security purposes, anyway.
  • A GitHub repo to store your dotfiles (default repo name is dotfiles, setup during config), with a file.
    • Create a repo, named anything you want. It can even be private!
      • If it is private, you must make sure to be using SSH key authentication, otherwise dot won't have permission to push.
  • pip (Python package manager)


Simply run:

$ pip install dot-cli

Install latest stable release manually:

$ git clone -b stable
$ cd dot-cli/
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python install

Or if you want the most up-to-date version (could be broken!):

$ git clone
$ cd dot-cli/
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python install


Initial Setup

This will ask for your GitHub username and the name of the repo which you wish to store your dotfiles.

$ dot init

Track dotfiles

Must include the beginning "." if the file is hidden (which if it isn't, is it even a dotfile?). To view files that are being tracked, open the trackfile located at $HOME/.dot/.trackfile. This file is also pushed to your dotfiles repo when you use dot push. If you haven't started tracking files, this won't exist (there are no defaults). It is created upon the first run of dot track [filename].

$ dot track [filename]

Push dotfiles to repo

$ dot push

Pull dotfiles from repo

$ dot pull

Update dot options

Alternatively, you can edit the file located at $HOME/.dotconfig.

$ dot config [option] [value]


The only thing dot stores in regards to your git information is your username and your dotfiles repository name. I never ask for your password or your SSH keys. You can see all of the logic for interacting with git in dot/ git runs as the current user when you use dot, this is why SSH key authentication is a prerequisite, to make things go smoother.


Want a certain feature? Open an issue and label it feature request.

Know how to code? Open an issue (if there isn't one), label it in progress, fork this repo and submit a pull request. If the issue already exists, add the in progress label to the existing issue (we don't need redundant issues!).

Syntax and Comments

If you wish to contribute by editing or adding to the codebase, please follow the structure that is already in place (outlined briefly below).

  • String comments as first line under function definitions
  • Little to no comments, your code should speak for itself
    • If you write something that requires explaining, keep comments to-the-point
  • Add appropriate VerboseLog(message, ctx) calls
  • Use provided GetConfig(section) when reading .dotconfig file in
  • Unused code should be removed, not left and commented out


GNU GPL v3.0