
A python for plotting dot plots from blast results.

pip install dotplotter==1.0.0



build dotplots from blastn results


dotplotter can take blast results, either as standard input or from a .tsv file and plots a standard dot plot. It can also highlight regions based on provided arguments (single region) or from a file (single or multiple regions) see below. Dot plots are a classic way to visualise DNA similarity and can be used for whole chromosomes or small regions.


The easiest way to install dotplotter is though the python package index.

pip install dotplotter

This will fetch and install the latest version from: LINK

You can also install by cloning this repository.

dotplotter only requires matplotlib and this should be installed automatically.


Basic Usage

You can use dotplotter in two ways: using stdin, or reading a .tsv file.

Example data can be found in this repository ./example_data.

Important: Regardless of method, make sure your results are in blast outfmt 6. This is specified in the search with -outfmt 6

stdin method

You can pipe your blastn results straight into dotplotter:

blastn -query streptomyces_coelicolor.fna -subject streptomyces_albus.fna -outfmt 6 | dotplotter

.tsv method

You can also read your results in from a previously generated .tsv file (e.g. blastn -query streptomyces_coelicolor.fna -subject streptomyces_albus.fna -outfmt 6 > blastn.tsv)

dotplotter -i blastn.tsv

blastn tips

Setting the parameters of you blast search can be very important. For larger sequences the default values should be fine. However, if you are looking for smaller repeats, you may need to adjust the word size of you blastn search ´-word_size´.


You can also highlight regions of interest.

Important: Highlighted regions are based on the query sequence ONLY.

Single Region Highlighting

The easiest way to highlight a single region is to use the in-built parameters: -hs/highlight-start and -he/--highlight-end. For example:

dotplotter -i blastn.tsv -hs 3024902 -he 3054689

Multiple Region Highlighting

To highlight multiple regions, you can provide a .csv file containing the required information. Each line should contain the start position, end position and the hex value (or colour name). See .example_data/highlight.csv for an example. You can specify this file with -hf/--highligh-file.

dotplotter -i blastn.tsv -hf highlight.csv

Further Usage

For more usage information, use the help command:

dotplotter -h

Example Output

Comparison of Streptomyces coelicolor and Streptomyces albus with gene clusters for ectoine (green), desferrioxamine (red) and spore pigment (purple) highlighted.

example output


Coming soon...

Patch Notes

Verion 1

  • 1.0.0
    • initial release