Python bindings for DQCsim

dqcsim, quantum-computing, simulation-framework
pip install dqcsim==0.1.1


DQCsim PyPi

Rust workflow Python workflow C++ workflow Documentation workflow Coverage workflow

DQCsim, short for Delft Quantum & Classical simulator, is a framework that can be used to tie components of quantum computer simulators together in a standardized yet flexible, developer-friendly, and reproducible way. Click here for more information!


If you're a user or a plugin developer (Python, C, or C++), the recommended way to install DQCsim is through Python's package manager:

sudo pip3 install dqcsim

This will install just the DQCsim core files and so-called "null" plugins for testing. So you'll also want to install plugins in addition. This is currently TODO, because there are no supported plugins yet. However, the current idea is that these will also be distributed through pip, with a dependency on dqcsim. For instance, you should be able to install dqcsim-qx through pip to get the QX simulator with appropriate DQCsim bindings.

You can find more information here.

Getting started

Read the documentation!

Reporting bugs

We use github's issue tracker. Click here to open a new issue.

Contributing to DQCsim

TODO: until we (jvanstraten and mbrobbel) get a first release going, contributing is probably more trouble than it's worth.

What to contribute?

Check github's issue tracker to see what we're working on and what needs to be done.

Code style

For Rust code this is simple: always apply cargo format and cargo clippy -Dwarnings before committing. The CI will fail if your code does not comply. For C, C++, and Python, there isn't really a specific code style defined right now; please just try to mimic the existing code.

Any tab character that isn't required by the language (looking at you, Make) will be shot on sight.


Within the root directory of the repository resides a Cargo workspace, a Python (using setuptools), and a CMake buildsystem. Since we're using pip for distribution, is the master: running python3 build will chain to Cargo to build the Rust modules before building the Python-specific things. The C/C++ API is currently header-only, so it doesn't need to do anything with CMake. Running python3 bdist_wheel after the build will produce a wheel file in target/python/dist, which you can then install into a Python venv using pip; just replace dqcsim in the install notes above with the wheel file.


Testing is done by the buildsystem associated with the language:

  • cargo test will run the core test suite for DQCsim and its command-line interface.
  • TODO will run the C/C++ API tests.
  • python3 test will run the Python API test suite.