
Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas for JSON API Django Rest Framework endpoints.

drf, django, django-rest-framework, schema, swagger, openapi, codegen, swagger-codegen, documentation, drf-yasg, django-rest-swagger, drf-openapi, json-api
pip install drf-yasg-json-api==0.7.1


drf-yasg-json-api - drf-yasg meets JSON API

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Automated generation of Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 JSON API specifications from Django Rest Framework endpoints.

This package makes drf-yasg Yet Another Swagger Generator and Django REST framework JSON API play together.

Table of Contents


  • Django REST Framework JSON API: 2.8, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.0

  • Drf-yasg: 1.16, 1.17.0, 1.17.1, 1.20

  • Django REST Framework: 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13

  • Django: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0

  • Python: 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9


pip install -U drf-yasg-json-api


First follow drf-yasg quickstart, then extend the configuration in following way.

Extending drg-yasg configuration

Assuming you are using drf-yasg configuration like below (which is drf-yasg default):

    'DEFAULT_AUTO_SCHEMA_CLASS': 'drf_yasg.inspectors.SwaggerAutoSchema',


Apply following changes:

    'DEFAULT_AUTO_SCHEMA_CLASS': 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.SwaggerAutoSchema',  # Overridden

        'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.NamesFormatFilter',  # Replaces CamelCaseJSONFilter
        'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.XPropertiesFilter',  # Added 
        'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.JSONAPISerializerSmartInspector',  # Added
        'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.IntegerIDFieldInspector',  # Added
        'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.ManyRelatedFieldInspector',  # Added
        'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.IntegerPrimaryKeyRelatedFieldInspector',  # Added 

        'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.DjangoFilterInspector',  # Added (optional), requires django_filter 
        'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.DjangoRestResponsePagination',  # Added

Renderers and parsers

JSON API schema of your view's response or request will be generated if you use django-rest-framework-json-api's JSONAPIRenderer or JSONAPIParser respectively.

But since you have already used them to render or parse, not just to generate schema (haven't you?), you probably only need to alter the configuration as described above.

That's it!


Fields and query params extraction follows Django REST framework JSON API.

Main request/response JSON API schema support:

  • data field with id, type, relationships, attributes structure

    Schema based on view's main serializer. It accessed through view's get_serializer method, the same way drf-yasg does it.

    Use GenericAPIView or APIView and define get_serializer manually.

    Fields and their source:

    • id – id field or other serializer field that matches the model pk field or in-the-fly generated serializer field for model pk
    • type – serializer's model JSON API resource name or view's resource name, the same way Django REST framework JSON API does it
    • relationships – all serializer fields of RelatedField and ManyRelatedField class
    • attributes – all other serializer fields
  • included field and include query param

    Schema based on serializers defined in included_serializer attribute of view's main serializer where each one is treated in the same way as view's main serializer (data field).

  • filter query param

    If view uses django_filters.DjangoFilterBackend as filter backend, schema of filter[] query param will be generated based on view's filterset_fields attribute.

  • pagination

    If view uses JsonApiPageNumberPagination or JsonApiLimitOffsetPagination as pagination_class, schema of links and meta, consistent with those pagination types, will be generated.


Support for swagger_auto_schema decorator of drf-yasg

JSON API schema is also generated for success responses (statuses 2XX) defined manually using responses argument of swagger_auto_schema decorator.

Stripping write_only fields from response and read_only from request

drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.InlineSerializerSmartInspector strips fields inaccessible in request/response to provide view of fields that are really available to use.

You can revert to traditional drf-yasg view of all serializer fields in both response and request by replacing this inspector with drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.InlineSerializerInspector

Extra x-writeOnly and x-readOnly properties

drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.XPropertiesFilter uses:

  • x-readOnly to mark read only fields even if they are nested
  • x-witeOonly adds missing support for write only fields

Coexistence of JSON API views with pure REST API views

JSON API docs will be generated by drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.JSONAPISerializerInspector, non JSON API views are ignored by this inspector.

Pure REST API docs will be generated by drf-yasg inspectors – either drf_yasg.inspectors.ReferencingSerializerInspector or drf_yasg.inspectors.InlineSerializerInspector depending on which one you prefer to use.


RecursiveField follows different approach from JSON API, so it cannot be used with JSONAPISerializerInspector, but you can still have pure REST API views that will be documented using ReferencingSerializerInspector.

Alternatively, instead of RecursiveField you can use included_serializers with self (e.g. included_serializers = {'related-obj': 'self'}) to implement limited in depth recursion the JSON API way.