
Cleaning your messy data.

dict, data, converter, cleaning, mapping
pip install dripper==0.2



Cleaning your messy data.

Getting started

Consider cleaning up some messy data. Here is a deep nested dictionary containing lots of unnecessary nesting and tuple.

some_messy_data = {
    "body": {
        "article": {
             "articlesbody": {
                 "articlesmeta": {
                     "articles_meta_3": "Monty Python",
    "published": {
        "datetime": ("2014-11-05", "23:00:00"),

Values you want are 'Monty Python' and '2014-11-05', should be named 'title' and 'published_date'

Now let the hack begin with the dripper.

  • Defile declaration dictionary
  • Create dripper object by dripper.dripper_factory
  • Drip essential data
# Define
 declaration = {
    "title": ("body", "article", "articlesbody", "articlesmeta", "articles_meta_3"),
    "published_date": ("published", "datetime", 0)

# Create
import dripper
d = dripper.dripper_factory(declaration)

# And drip
dripped = d(some_messy_data)

assert dripped == {
    "title": "Monty Python",
    "published_date": "2014-11-05",


Just use pip to install

pip install dripper


dripper won't require any kind of outer libraries. Supporting Python versions are:

  • Python 2.7
  • Python 3.3
  • Python 3.4
  • Python 3.5
  • Python 3.6


Above example is not all features of dripper. It is created to handle various data to clean up.

As value

from dripper import dripper_factory
declaration = {
    "title": ("meta", "meta1")
d = dripper_factory(declaration)
d({"meta": {"meta1": "Monty Python"}}) == {"title": "Monty Python"}

Also you can specify string or integer directly. It is as same as one-element tuple.

from dripper import dripper_factory
declaration = {
    "title": "meta"
d = dripper_factory(declaration)
d({"meta": "Monty Python"}) == {"title": "Monty Python"}

As dict

dripper can define nested dictionary. Just pass nested dictionary to dripper_factory.

from dripper import dripper_factory
declaration = {
    "article": {
        "title": ["meta", "meta1"],
d = dripper_factory(declaration)
    "meta": {
        "meta1": "Monty Python",
}) == {
    "article": {
        "title": "Monty Python",

You can apply '__source_root__' to set root path for dripping.

declaration = {
    "article": {
        "__source_root__": ("body", "meta"),
        "title": "meta1",
        "author": ("meta2", "meta22"),
d = dripper_factory(declaration)
    "body": {
        "meta": {
            "meta1": "Monty Python",
            "meta2": {"meta22": "John Due"}
}) == {
    "article": {
        "title": "Monty Python",
        "author": "John Due",

Technically, outermost dictionary of declaration is as same as inner dictionaries. So you can specify '__source_root__' the dictionary.

As list

dripper can define list of dictionaries. You need to apply '__type__': 'list'.

from dripper import dripper_factory
declaration = {
    "articles": {
        "__type__": "list",
        "__source_root__": "articles",
        "title": "meta1",
        "author": ["meta2", "meta22"],
d = dripper_factory(declaration)
    "articles": [
        {"meta1": "Monty Python", "meta2": {"meta22": "John Doe"}},
        {"meta1": "Flying Circus", "meta2": {"meta22": "Jane Doe"}},
}) == {
    "articles": [
        {"title": "Monty Python", "author": "John Doe"},
        {"title": "Flying Circus", "author": "Jane Doe"},



Use dripper.ValueDripper to pass converter function.

import dripper
declaration = {
    "title": dripper.ValueDripper(["title"], converter=lambda s: s.lower())
d = dripper.dripper_factory(declaration)
d({"title": "TITLE"}) == {"title": "title"}

Technically, each ends (list) will be replaced by instance of dripper.ValueDripper.

default value

Specify default keyword argument to change default value. None will be applied as default.

import dripper
declaration = {
    "title": dripper.ValueDripper(["title"], default="default")
d = dripper.dripper_factory(declaration)
d({}) == {"title": "default"}

Technically, each ends (list) will be replaced by instance of dripper.ValueDripper.


By combining dripper.ValueDripper, result value of that key will be combined.

import dripper
declaration = {
    "fullname": (dripper.ValueDripper(["firstname"]) +
d = dripper.dripper_factory(declaration)
d({"firstname": "Hrioki", "lastname": "Kiyohara"}) == {"fullname": "HriokiKiyohara"}