
Manage the local user database from DynamoDB

pip install dynamodb-user-manager==0.4


DynamoDB User Manager (DDUM)

Manage Linux users from DynamoDB.

This module runs as a daemon that periodically scans a pair of DynamoDB tables for user and group information and updates the local password/shadow password files for users and groups. This is done so there are no network dependencies in the PAM chain -- the goal is to allow administrators to continue to log in even when the network is adversely affected.

When installed via setup.py using the defaults, a daemon script installed as /usr/local/bin/dynamodb-user-manager.

DDUM is conservative in what it does. It modifies and adds users to the system; it never deletes them. To disable a user account, set the AccountExpireDate to a date in the past. DDUM will update the shadow entry for this user, disabling their account. This also preserves audit history in a sane way; you will no longer have dangling user ids and the risk of reusing a user id is reduced.

Command line arguments

Usage: dynamodb-user-manager [options]


  • -h | --help Show this usage information.

  • -c filename | --config filename Read configuration from filename instead of /etc/dynamodb-user-manager.cfg.

  • -f | --foreground Don't fork into the background (don't daemonize).

  • -p filename | --pidfile filename Write the process pid to filename instead of /var/run/dynamodb-user-manager.pid.


Configuring the daemon requires a JSON configuration file; by default, this is /etc/dynamodb-user-manager.cfg. You can override this with the --config flag to dynamodb-user-manager.

The configuration file is a JSON document in the form:

    "aws_access_key": "AKIDEXAMPLE",
    "aws_profile": "default",
    "aws_region": "us-east-1",
    "aws_secret_key": "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG+bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY",
    "aws_session_token": "",
    "full_update_jitter": 600,
    "full_update_period": 3600,
    "group_table_name": "Groups",
    "user_table_name": "Users",
    "logging": {
        "version": 1,

The valid configuration keys are:

  • aws_access_key / aws_secret_key / aws_session_token / aws_profile (str) Static AWS credentials to use.

    If aws_access_key and aws_secret_key (and, optionally, aws_session_token) are specified, these are fed directly into Boto and will be used.

    Otherwise, if aws_profile is specified, this is fed into Boto, which reads the the credentials from ~/.aws/credentials (usually the root user).

    On EC2 instances, these parameters should not be used. Boto will fetch the credentials from the EC2 instance metadata.

  • aws_region (str) The AWS region to use. If unspecified, this uses the first value found from: The environment variable AWS_REGION The environment variable AWS_DEFAULT_REGION If running on EC2, the EC2 instance metadata. "us-east-1"

  • full_update_period / full_update_jitter (int) The time, in seconds, between polls of the DynamoDB tables. The wait period is always used, plus a random value from 0 to full_update_jitter is selected; this helps distribute the load on the DynamoDB tables when run across multiple instances.

    The default is 3600 seconds (1 hour) for full_update_period, and 600 seconds (10 minutes) for full_update_jitter.

  • group_table_name (str) The name of the DynamoDB table to use to fetch for groups. This defaults to "Groups".

  • user_table_name (str) The name of the DynamoDB table to use to fetch for users. This defaults to "Users".

  • logging (dict) If present, this is passed to the Python configuration function logging.config.dictConfig.

Field restrictions

Linux does not have a well-defined set of rules for what can appear in various fields -- a lot depends on the internal implementation of various libraries.

DDUM imposes the following restrictions:

  • User and group names: 1-256 ASCII characters. Valid characters are letters, digits, period, underscore, and hyphen; the hyphen cannot be the first character of the name. (See POSIX 3.437, portable filename character set, LOGIN_NAME_MAX.)
  • GECOS (realname, office, phone, etc): 256 characters, since 512 characters is a commonly used buffer size for the entire passwd line. Colons, newlines, vertical tabs, formfeeds, and the NUL character are disallowed. This is interpreted as Unicode and written in UTF-8 locally, though most libraries handle this field as bytes with no well-defined encoding.

Users table

The users table has the following schema. (DynamoDB type codes: S = string; N = number; SS = string set)

Field Key Type Required Description
Name PartitionKey S Yes The name of the user. Must be unique (enforced by DynamoDB).
UID N Yes The user id of the user. Must be an integer (enforced) and unique (not enforced).
GID N Yes The primary group id of the user. Must be an integer (enforced).
RealName S Yes The GECOS field for the user, usually the real name.
Home S Yes The home directory of the user.
Shell S Yes The login shell for the user.
Password S No The encrypted password for the user. If not specified, the user cannot login using a password.
LastPasswordChangeDate S No The date when the user last changed their password in ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD) format.
PasswordAgeMinDays N No The minimum age of the users's password (in days) before it can be changed. Must be an integer if specified.
PasswordAgeMaxDays N No The maximum age of the users's password (in days) before it must be changed. Must be an integer if specified.
PasswordWarnDays N No The number of days to warn the user before PasswordAgeMaxDays that their password is about to expire.
PasswordDisableDays N No The number of days after PasswordAgeMaxDays to disable the user's password (requiring them to find an administrator to reset it).
AccountExpireDate S No The date when the account is to be disabled in ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD) format. This is similar to removing the account from /etc/passwd but preserves name information.
SSHPublicKeys SS No A list of SSH public keys the user can use to log in. These are written to the user's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.

Groups table

The groups table has the following schema. (DynamoDB type codes: S = string; N = number; SS = string set)

Field Key Type Required Description
Name PartitionKey S Yes The name of the group. Must be unique (enforced by DynamoDB).
GID N Yes The group id of the group. Must be an integer (enforced) and unique (not enforced).
Password S No The encrypted password used to get access to the group via the newgrp command. Not commonly used.
Administrators SS No A list of user names who can modify the group membership.
Members SS No A list of user names who are members of the group.