Evaluation as a Service for Natural Language Processing

pip install eaas==0.3.6


Evaluation-as-a-Service for NLP

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Before using EaaS, please see the terms of use. Detailed documentation can be found here. To install the EaaS, simply run

pip install eaas

Run your "Hello, world"

A minimal EaaS application looks something like this:

from eaas import Config, Client

client = Client(Config())

inputs = [{
    "source": "Hello, my world",
    "references": ["Hello, world", "Hello my world"],
    "hypothesis": "Hi, my world"
metrics = ["rouge1", "bleu", "chrf"]

score_dic = client.score(inputs, metrics=metrics)

If eaas has been installed successfully, you should get the results below by printing score_dic. Each entry corresponds to the metrics passed to metrics (in the same order). The corpus entry indicates the corpus-level score, sample entry is a list of sample-level scores:

score_dic = {'scores':
         {'corpus': 0.6666666666666666, 'sample': [0.6666666666666666]},
         {'corpus': 0.35355339059327373, 'sample': [0.35355339059327373]},
         {'corpus': 0.4900623006253688, 'sample': [0.4900623006253688]}


  • To use this API for scoring, you need to format your input as list of dictionary.
  • Each dictionary consists of source (string, optional), references (list of string, optional) and hypothesis (string, required). source and references are optional based on the metrics you want to use.
  • Please do not conduct any preprocessing on source, references or hypothesis.
  • We expect normal-cased detokenized texts. All the preprocessing steps are taken by the metrics.

Supported Metrics

Currently, EaaS supports the following metrics:

  • bart_score_en_ref: BARTScore is a sequence to sequence framework based on pre-trained language model BART. bart_score_cnn_hypo_ref uses the CNNDM finetuned BART. It calculates the average generation score of Score(hypothesis|reference) and Score(reference|hypothesis).
  • bart_score_en_src: BARTScore using the CNNDM finetuned BART. It calculates Score(hypothesis|source).
  • bert_score_p: BERTScore is a metric designed for evaluating translated text using BERT-based matching framework. bert_score_p calculates the BERTScore precision.
  • bert_score_r: BERTScore recall.
  • bert_score_f: BERTScore f score.
  • bleu: BLEU measures modified ngram matches between each candidate translation and the reference translations.
  • chrf: CHRF measures the character-level ngram matches between hypothesis and reference.
  • comet: COMET is a neural framework for training multilingual machine translation evaluation models. comet uses the wmt20-comet-da checkpoint which utilizes source, hypothesis and reference.
  • comet_qe: COMET for quality estimation. comet_qe uses the wmt20-comet-qe-da checkpoint which utilizes only source and hypothesis.
  • mover_score: MoverScore is a metric similar to BERTScore. Different from BERTScore, it uses the Earth Mover’s Distance instead of the Euclidean Distance.
  • prism: PRISM is a sequence to sequence framework trained from scratch. prism calculates the average generation score of Score(hypothesis|reference) and Score(reference|hypothesis).
  • prism_qe: PRISM for quality estimation. It calculates Score(hypothesis| source).
  • rouge1: ROUGE-1 refers to the overlap of unigram (each word) between the system and reference summaries.
  • rouge2: ROUGE-2 refers to the overlap of bigrams between the system and reference summaries.
  • rougeL: ROUGE-L refers to the longest common subsequence between the system and reference summaries.

The default configurations for each metric can refer to this doc

Asynchronous Requests

If you want to make a call to the EaaS server to calculate some metrics and continue local computation while waiting for the result, you can do so as follows:

from eaas import Config
from eaas.async_client import AsyncClient

config = Config()
client = AsyncClient(config)

inputs = ...
req = client.async_score(inputs, metrics=["bleu"])
# do some other computation
result = req.get_result()