
Turns folder of gherkin feature files into a docx file.

BDD, Gherkin, behave, docx
pip install eaiscenarioreporter==0.4.0


Feature reporter

"Feature reporter" comes from the need to provide MS Word reports to customer.

It aims to pretty print a set of plain text .feature files into one shareable document.

Optionally, it adds the last automated execution of these scenarios.

Please note! This package heavily relies on the Behave package in order to process feature file and execution results format.

Moreover, it provides a basic behave csv formatter. You can:

  • have a csv result for each scenario.
  • have a csv list of each scenario using the behave's dry run option.

In my feature file I usually add a tag for the epic's name (@epic=) and a scenario id (@id=).

The csv formatter use these tag by default. Please see below for more details on usage.


pip install eaiscenarioreporter


From a python shell

from featurereporter import ExportUtilities

my_export = ExportUtilities()

my_export.feature_repository = "path/to/the/feature/files/folder"


# Create the demo.docx document in the current folder.

From the command line

GUI (experimental)

You can start the reporter's GUI using the following command :

python3 -m featurereporter


Feature reporter can be called directly from the command line.

# Display help
> python3 -m featurereporter -h

usage: featurereporter.py [-h] [--tag TAG] [--title TITLE] [--repository REPOSITORY] [--forewords FOREWORDS] [--output OUTPUT] [--execution EXECUTION] [--license]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tag TAG             Invariant pointing to a user story
  --title TITLE         The document's title
  --repository REPOSITORY
                        The folder where the feature files are
  --forewords FOREWORDS
                        The folder where forewords markdown files are. It is not a recursive discovery.
  --output OUTPUT       The filename the docu
  --execution EXECUTION
                        Behave plain test output in order to also print the last execution result
  --license             Display the license.

python3 -m featurereporter --repository path/to/the/feature/files/folder

Embedded features

Feature description

All descriptions can use Markdown syntax to enhance the report display in docx.

  • The matching [Bb]usiness [Rr]ules will be replaced by a title with the correct depth Business rules
  • The matching sequence !!Worflow:\s*([\.\d\w\-\_\\\/]*)\s* points out a puml diagram which will be generated on the fly. The puml file path is relative to the feature folder holder. For example !!Workflow: ../business/workflow.puml will generate the workflow.puml diagram in the business folder of the feature parent folder.

Forewords inclusion

You can include markdown files as a "Forewords" section. They will be processed in alphabetical order.

  • Picture inclusion will be resized to fit the document page.
  • !!Worflow:\s*([\.\d\w\-\_\\\/]*)\s* does the same as for feature description. However, the base folder is the forewords' folder.

Result inclusion

You can include the full list of the documentation execution results. It's based on Behave's plain output reporter.

It generates a circular graph (passed, failed, skipped) and list each scenario result.

There is no control on the sections order nor ability to display only failed scenarios.

Additional installation

Currently, all puml schema are processed using the GraphViz library. Your system needs java and GraphViz.

The plantuml's jar version is 1.2022.1. Please see PlantUml page.

Behave csv formatter

To use the default setting just use the following (-d is for dry-run)

behave -d -f featurereporter.csvformatter:EaiCsv -o output.csv

Add in behave.ini the following to update the tag setting. You can have a = symbol in your tag definition.

EaiCsv.epic = my_epic_tag
EaiCsv.scenario = my_scenario_id_tag

The csv output is

epic, feature_name, scenario_id, scenario_name, status, order
"epic name fetched from the epic's tag", "feature name", "scenario id fetched from the id's tag and order for outline scenario", "scenario name", "execution status", "order for outline scenario"

The first line contains the csv header.

Behave csv 'full' formatter

To use the default setting just use the following (-d is for dry-run).

Please mind this formatter is for dry-run only.

behave -d -f featurereporter.csvformatter:EaiCsvFull -o output.csv

Add in behave.ini the following to update the tag setting. You can have a = symbol in your tag definition.

EaiCsv.epic = my_epic_tag
EaiCsv.scenario = my_scenario_id_tag

The csv output is

epic, feature_filename, feature_name, feature_tags, feature_description, scenario_id, scenario_name, scenario_tags, scenario_description, scenario_is_outline, scenario_steps
"epic name", "feature filename", "feature name (following the 'Feature:' element)", "feature tags", "feature description", "scenario id fetched from the id's tag", "scenario name", "scenario tags", "scenario description", "True if the scenario is an outline one", "scenario's steps without background"

The first line contains the csv header.


This tool is still under development. There is currently no arguments control nor formal tests.

I use it in my daily work to produce report.

Please contact me for any concern.