
Easy to use utilities: alerts, logging, running background processes, file and directory checking

pip install easy-utils==0.0.2


Functions I've used accross multiple projects, more info in this README to come

#alert(alarm, x) counts down from x and prints int x and a string alarm to console

alert('Till countdown', 10)

#check_dir(child, parent) looks for a child directory in a parent directly, if there is no child dir then one is created 

check_dir('log', '~')

#check_file(fname, file_dest) ensures that a file is not in a directory, if it is not in the directory then the a path is provided for file creation 

check_file('somefile.txt', '~/projects')

#log_it(text, dest_dir) takes in string text and a string file destination folderand creates a file named with timestamp

log_it('this is a test', './log/')

#run_in_background(args) takes in a string shell command and runs it as a background process

#limit_proc(proc,limit) takes in a string process name and an int limit, limit represents a threshold of a certain process. If limit is reached then a simple spinlock activates and activly waits until the process count is no longer at the limit

limit_proc('curl', 5)

#kill_proc(proc) takes in a string process name and kills processes with that name
