Webcams made easy

pip install ecapture==0.1.8



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Image Capture Demo


Function: Capture photos Number of Arguments: 3

import ecapture as ec
ec.capture(0,"frame", "frame.png")


Camera Index

Input the index of the webcam that you choose to use. Index 0 will be first webcam, Index 1 will be the second webcam, and so on and so forth.

Window Name

Input False if a window with the captured image should not be displayed. A window name input as a string will show a window with the captured image

Save Name

Input False if the captured image should not be saved. A save name input as a string will save the captured image with the desired name.

Video Capture

Function: Record videos Number of Arguments: 4

import ecapture as ec
ec.vidCapture(0, "frame", "frame.avi", "x")


Camera Index

Input the index of the webcam that you choose to use. Index 0 will be first webcam, Index 1 will be the second webcam, and so on and so forth.

Window Name

Input False if a window with the captured image should not be displayed. A window name input as a string will show a window with the current frame.

Save Name

Input False if the captured image should not be saved. A save name input as a string will save the recorded video with the desired name.

Exit Key

The key that has to be pressed to end the recording.

Timed Video Capture

Function: Record videos for a specified duration Number of Arguments: 4

import ecapture as ec
ec.vidCapture(0, "frame", "frame.avi", 5)


Camera Index

Input the index of the webcam that you choose to use. Index 0 will be first webcam, Index 1 will be the second webcam, and so on and so forth.

Window Name

Input False if a window with the captured image should not be displayed. A window name input as a string will show a window with the current frame.

Save Name

Input False if the captured image should not be saved. A save name input as a string will save the recorded video with the desired name.


The time after which the video recording terminates.