Populate list data and other static model data on startup in clinicedc/edc projects

django, Edc, list, data, CRF, clinicedc, clinical, trials
pip install edc-list-data==0.3.25


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Populate list data and other static model data on Django startup.

To install add edc_list_data.apps.AppConfig to your INSTALLED_APPS, then create a list_data.py in the root of your app.

Most commonly used to populate M2M data known here as list_data. M2M field models should use the ListModelMixin.

The list models are populated using a post_migrate signal. Once everything is configured or after changes are made, you need to run python manage.py migrate.

For example:

class Antibiotic(ListModelMixin, BaseUuidModel):

    class Meta(ListModelMixin.Meta):

An example list_data.py:

from edc_constants.constants import OTHER

list_data = {
    'my_lists_app.antibiotic': [
        ('flucloxacillin', 'Flucloxacillin'),
        ('gentamicin', 'Gentamicin'),
        ('ceftriaxone', 'Ceftriaxone'),
        ('amoxicillin_ampicillin', 'Amoxicillin/Ampicillin'),
        ('doxycycline', 'Doxycycline'),
        ('erythromycin', 'Erythromycin'),
        ('ciprofloxacin', 'Ciprofloxacin'),
        (OTHER, 'Other, specify')
Now run:
>>> python manage.py migrate

The list data will be populated in the order in which the list items are declared.

See also call to site_list_data.autodiscover and site_list_data.load_data called in edc_list_data.apps.AppConfig using a post_migrate signal.