
Organization management module for Open edX

pip install edx-organizations==6.12.0


edx-organizations Build Status Coverage Status

edx-organizations (organizations) is a Django application responsible for managing the concept of Organizations in the Open edX platform. Organizations represent the entities responsible for creating and publishing Courses. In the future the scope and responsibilty of the Organization may evolve to include other aspects, such as related learners.


Organizations is designed to centralize metadata about course publishers, such as their title, logo URL, and information included in certificates.

Local Development

Open edX Platform Integration

  1. Update the version of edx-organizations in the appropriate requirements file (e.g. requirements/edx/base.txt).
  2. Add ‘organizations’ to the list of installed apps in common.py.
  3. Install all requirements:
  1. (Optional) Run tests:

How to Contribute

Contributions are very welcome, but please note that edx-organizations is currently an early stage work-in-progress and is changing frequently at this time.

See our CONTRIBUTING file for more information – it also contains guidelines for how to maintain high code quality, which will make your contribution more likely to be accepted.

Reporting Security Issues

Please do not report security issues in public. Please email security@openedx.org.

Mailing List and IRC Channel

You can discuss this code on the edx-code Google Group or in the edx-code IRC channel on Freenode.