
Python based command line tool for managing ElasticSearch clusters.

pip install elasticity==0.1



Utility for managing indexes and their data on elastic search clusters without incurring downtime.

installation and use

Elasticity is in PyPi and can be installed using pip:

> pip install elasticity

or easy_install:

> easy_install elasticity

Then run the elasticity command:

>  elasticity --help
usage: elasticity [options]


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        Configuration file, defaults to elasticity.config
  -i HOST, --host HOST  The host to connect to
  -p PORT, --port PORT  The port to connect to on host
  -un USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        The username
  -pw PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        The password
  -do, --delete-old-index
                        Delete old index after updating
  -co, --close-old-index
                        Close old index after updating
  -t NUM_THREADS, --num-threads NUM_THREADS
                        Number of threads to use when reindexing
  -cs CHUNK_SIZE, --chunk-size CHUNK_SIZE
                        Number of documents to index at once
  -c, --create          Create new stuff
  -u, --update          Update existing stuff
  -in INDEX, --index INDEX
                        Only operate on this index (can be specified multiple
  • The -f argument defines a configuration file to use, this value defaults to elasticity.config
  • The -i specifies the host to connect to, this value defaults to localhost
  • The -p specifies the port on the host to connect on, this value defaults to 9300
  • The -un optional argument that specifies what username to use
  • The -pw optional argument that specifies what password to use
  • The -c argument tells elasticity to operate in create mode, new indexes and aliases are created
  • The -u argument tells elasticity to operate in update mode, new indexes and aliases are created and data is copied from the old index
  • The -do argument only takes affect in update mode and deletes the old index after data has been coppied to the new index and the alias is pointed to the new index
  • The -co argument only takes affect in update mode and closes the old index after data has been coppied to the new index and the alias is pointed to the new index
  • The -cs argument defines the chunks size, the number of documents to be bulk reindexed at once
  • The -t argument defines the number of write threads to employ when reindexing
  • The -in argument defines specific indexes (or aliases) to operate on. This is useful for when you only want to update a single instance rather than all indices defined in the configuration file


Elasticity uses yaml for configuration. Here's a sample that uses all of the options:

    - # books index
        name: books_idx
        alias: books
        settings_file: src/es/books-settings.json
        creation_file: src/es/books-index-creation.json
                doc_type: hardcover_book
                mapping_file: src/es/hardcover_book-mapping.json
                doc_type: paperback_book
                mapping_file: src/es/paperback_book-mapping.json

    - # users index
        name: users_idx
        alias: users
        settings_file: src/es/users-settings.json
                doc_type: user
                mapping_file: src/es/user-mapping.json

The configuration file has a single root attribute named indexes that is a list of indexes and their settings\mappings.

Each index definition has the following configuration attributes:

  • name (required) name of the index. When the index is created it will be created with a unique id appended to the end of this name, ie: users_20150101030512
  • alias (required) the name of an alias to create and map to the index created. This is the index that applications using elastic search should use.
  • settings_file (optional) the name of a file containing a json payload that describes the settings for the index.
  • creation_file (optional) the name of a file containing a json settings payload that describes settings necessary for index creation. e.g., number_of_shards
  • mappings (optional) a list of mappings to add to the index
    • doc_type (required) the document type for the given mapping
    • mapping_file (required) the name of a file containing a json payload the describes the mapping for the given doc-type in the given index.

create mode

When in create mode (--create or -c) elasticity will do the following for each index defined in the configuration file:

  • create a new index
  • if there is a settings file
    • close the index
    • apply the settings to the new index
    • reopen the index
  • apply any mappings to the new index
  • delete the alias if it exists already
  • create the alias pointed at the new index

update mode

When in update mode (--update or -u) elasticity will do the following for each index defined in the configuration file:

  • create a new index
  • if there is a settings file
    • close the index
    • apply the settings to the new index
    • reopen the index
  • apply any mappings to the new index
  • copy all data for the defined mappings from the existing alias to the new index
  • delete the existing alias
  • create a new alias (with the same name) pointed at the new index