
A Python Template manager for your discord bot to keep your embeds simple & consistent.

discord, discord-embed, discord-embed-builder, discordpy, pypi, pypi-package, python, python-pakage, python3, python38, python39
pip install embed-templator==1.0.0


Embed Templator

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A Python Template manager for your discord bot to keep your embeds simple & consistent


Use The following command to install Embed-Templator into your python environment:

pip install Embed-Templator
didn't works?

Depending on your python installation, you might need to use one of the following.

pip isn't in the path but python is

python -m pip install embed-templator

python isn't in the path

path/to/python.exe -m pip install embed-templator

Using multiple python versions

py -m pip install embed-templator



The simplest way to use the Embed templator in your project is the following:

from embed_templator import Embed

# Loading your client instance withing the embed templator.

async def ping(ctx):
    # Use it like a regular Embed.
    await ctx.send(embed=Embed(description='pong!'))

Context Embeds

However, the embed templator can have more advanced usage, and use context embeds.

from embed_templator import Embed

client = ...

# Note that auto_author requires the ctx to be passed at embeds init.
Embed.load(client, auto_author=True)

async def ping(ctx):
    # Use it like a regular Embed.
    await ctx.send(embed=Embed(ctx)(description='pong!'))


If you are using a cog based system, don't forget to init the embed in your cogs with the following:

class MyBeautifulCog(commands.Cog):

    def __init__(self, client):
        self.client = client

Then you'll be able to use it like the previous examples:

    async def my(self, ctx):

        await ctx.send(

Advanced Usage

If you want an advanced embed configuration, you can create a custom embed class that will inherit the embed templator.

from __future__ import annotations
import embed_templator

class Embed(embed_templator.Embed):
    def setup(self) -> Embed:
        return self.set_footer(
            text=f"{self.ctx.command} | more info @ {self.ctx.prefix}help"

You can also use the `update` method for last changes in the embed, better it will be sent.
This example uses a custom ctx that have time tracking !
from __future__ import annotations
import embed_templator

class Embed(embed_templator.Embed):

    def setup(self) -> Embed:
        return self.set_author(
            name=f"Requested by {self.ctx.author} 🚀",

    def update(self) -> Embed:
            text='   '.join(
                    f"⚙️ {self.ctx.time.elapsed()}",
                    f"⏳ {self.client.latency}",
                    f"🔑 {self.ctx.prefix}help",

        return self

Thanks for using Embed-Templator!


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This repository is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.