
List of manageable countries for your Django projects

django, countries
pip install emencia.django.countries==0.2.1


Emencia Django Countries

A Django application who contains world country list that can be displayed with a priority order.

Usefull for forms or for models which needs a country list ordered.



  • setuptools;
  • Django >= 1.4 (should be compatible to Django 1.8 and beyond);


First install the package:

pip install emencia.django.countries

Add it to your installed Django apps in settings:


Finally run the Django commands migrate to install app database tables, this will also fill Country model with initial datas for countries.


By default when the fixture is loaded all the countries a leveled to 0, the default and displayed by alphabetical order.

>>> from emencia.django.countries.models import Country
>>> Country.objects.all()
[<Country: Afghanistan>, <Country: Albania>, <Country: Algeria>, '...(remaining elements truncated)...']

So if you don't want to display Afghanistan as the first country of your list, you have a set a high value to the level attribute for all the countries you want.

Now if you want to retrieve your country list ordered do this:

>>> france = Country.objects.get(iso='FR')
>>> france.level = 100
>>> france.save()

>>> Country.objects.all()
[<Country: France>, <Country: Afghanistan>, <Country: Albania>, '...(remaining elements truncated)...']

But if you only want a short list of countries with the level attribute set, you can do this:

>>> Country.objects.leveled()
[<Country: France>]

This will return only the countries with a level value different than 0.

Template Context Processors

Sometimes it can be usefull to have all the countries in the context for rendering templates, so a template context processor is provided.

...      # Your template context processors
...      'emencia.django.countries.context_processors.countries',
... )

This template context processor, provides 2 variables in the context :


Template tags

But in general it's a waste of ressources to have all the countries loaded in the context, because it make a database request for each request, so template tags have been implemented.

In your templates, to get the countries list, simply do this.

{% load countries_tags %}

{% get_countries %}

It will load the countries list in the local context of the template, in a variable named COUNTRIES But if you want to change the name of this variable use this syntax.

{% get_countries as MY_COUNTRIES %}

If you only want to have the short list of countries, use this tag.

{% get_countries_leveled as MY_COUNTRIES %}

Of course the same syntax apply to this tag.