
A Better Dictionary Class

data, dictionary
pip install encase==1.0




An extension of the Python built-in Dictionary class for working with large datasets.


The Encase class is used to create dictionary objects with:

  • Attribute access via dot (.) notation
  • Nested instances
  • Recursive conversion for existing dictionaries, including nested lists of dictionaries

This allows key/value pairs to be accessed like instance attributes, which makes code dealing with APIs that return large amounts of JSON easier to read and write. Instead of writing,

relevant_data = api_result['data']['subset']['subsubset']

you can accomplish the same with,

relevant_data = api_result.data.subset.subsubset.


Install this package using pip:

pip install encase


Encase is an extension of the Python dictionary class and therefore inherits all attributes and methods of regular dictionary objects. This also means that an Encase instance can be used as a drop in replacement for a dict object.


Basic Usage

>>> from encase import Encase
>>> d = Encase()
>>> d.hello_world = "Hello World!"
>>> print(d.hello_world)
Hello World!

Instances can also be nested

>>> d.child = Encase()
>>> d.child.message = "Encase Instances can be nested"
>>> print(d.child.message)
Encase Instances can be nested



Return value of attribute at 'key'. This is the method form of using, encase.child. This can be used when you won't know a key name prior and need to use a variable for 'key'.

param str key
Name of attribute whose value will be returned

set(key, value)

Set value of attribute at 'key'. This is the method form of using, encase.child = 'Value'. This can be used when you won't know key name prior and need to use a variable for 'key'.

param str key
Name of attribute to set
param str value
Value to set for attribute


Create a JSON File from Encase instance:

>>> import json
>>> j = Encase()
>>> j.data = Encase()
>>> j.data.info = "JSON can be converted into nested Encases"
>>> j.data.features = []
>>> j.data.features.append('Recursively transform dictionaries')
>>> j.data.features.append('Supports recursion through lists as well')
>>> j.data.features.append(Encase())
>>> j.data.features[2].example = "Example of a Encase in a list"

>>> print(j)
  'data': {
    'info': 'JSON can be converted into nested Encases',
    'features': [
      'Resursively transform dictionaries into Encases',
      'Supports recursion through lists as well',
        'example': 'Example of a Encase in a list'

>>> with open('example.json', 'w') as stream:
...   json.dump(j, stream)

Read a JSON File into Encase instance:

>>> with open('example.json', 'r') as stream:
...     j_data = json.load(stream)

>>> j_stack = Encase(j_data)
>>> print(j_stack.data.info)
JSON can be converted into nested Encases

>>> for item in j_stack.data.features:
...     print(item)
Resursively transform dictionaries into Encases
Supports recursion through lists as well
{'example': 'Example of a Encase in a list'}

>>> print(j_stack.data.features[2].example)
Example of a Encase in a list


Ryan Miller - ryan@devopsmachine.com