
Easy config setup from the environment

pip install enconf==1.0.0.dev4



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This library is meant to make configuration from environment variables as easy as possible.


You may install from PyPI with pip install enconf.

Creating a config

To create a config, you just need to create a class with metaclass ConfigMeta that inherits from ConfigBase. For example, using six's with_metaclass:

import six
import envconf

class SampleConfig(six.with_metaclass(envconf.ConfigMeta, envconf.ConfigBase)):
    INT = 0
    STR = 'abc'
    LIST = [1, 2]
    DICT = {'A': 1}

This class will automatically parse the INT, STR, LIST, and DICT environment variables if they are set. If not, it will use the default values defined in the class. The types interpreted from the environment will be the same type as the original declaration in the class, with the exception of values that are originally None will have their environment settings parsed as strings.

Lists and dictionaries

List environment variables will be separated by :. For example:

ENV=a:b:c -> ENV = ['a', 'b', 'c']

Lists will interpret their types as the types in the original list.

Specific items may be changed by a double underscore:

LIST = [1, 2, 3]
LIST__1 = 4 -> LIST = [1, 4, 3]

Dictionaries may be accessed with the same double underscore method, but can also have access strings. If the key does not exist in the dictionary, it will be added.