Energy utility data interface for blockchain smart contracts

ethereum, blockchain, energy-web, energy, smart-energy_meter
pip install energyweb==




Energyweb if an Application framework designed to empower energy prosumers and utilities to leverage Blockchain and other cutting edge-cryptographic solutions. Just install it as a dependency with pip3 install energyweb. Create a python script and create your own App and Tasks importing classes from energyweb.dispatcher module.

Further development and contribution is much welcome, please contribute with issues and pull requests. :)


  • Raw transactions signing
  • Extension and reusability through OOP
  • Event-loop logic with asynchronous I/O thread pool control
  • General application abstraction
  • General Ethereum VM based network client abstraction
  • EWF's Origin release A smart-contract support for energy consumption and production registry for REC generation

Suported Energy Data Sources


  • General EVM Smart-Contracts Event listener task trigger
  • Remote logging in cloud platform. Check a list here.
  • Message Queue for off-line resilience
  • Merkle-tree proofs for collected data. Check precise proofs and typescript implementation.
    • Field-level validation
    • Document integrity validation
    • Document structure enforcement
  • IPFS storage
    • UUID pre-calculation and validation for smart-contract integration
  • Enforce TLS/SSL over http
  • ARM TEE support:
    • Offloaded cryptography to hardware accelerators
    • Storage and access of the configuration file in secure enclave
    • Private key generation and signature in CryptoCell

Energy Assets Roadmap

Smart-Contracts Roadmap

  • EWF's Origin release B
  • Universal Sharing Network
  • EWF's User and Assets Registry
  • Your project here - We are open for suggestions!

Framework Architecture

The application consists of dynamically loading modules from the configuration file. After loading the modules, the main thread will spawn task threads when a trigger event occurs. In case the main thread dies or become a zombie, it must be restarted from an external command. It is the system administrator task to maintain services health, therefore no mitigation technique is applied.

A task can be of any nature, although it is a best practice that it's execution is finite and it's resource usage is predictable. This will avoid concurrence between tasks and possible deadlocks.


A list of short explanations about the modules and libraries that compose the framework.

EDS Energy Data Sources library has modules for supported smart-meter APIs including energyweb's specification written in Swagger, with this any utility or solar/wind farm could bundle many smart-meters and provide a simple Restful API using community provided code in many programming languages. Or even abstract legacy protocols instead of being forced to write a python module.

Energyweb module contains all abstract classes and interfaces to be inherited and implemented by concrete classes. It is the framework skeleton.

Smart_Contract library bundles all integration modules and assets to persist and query data on EVM based Blockchains. Most common assets are json files describing smart-contract ABI s.

Base58 module is a helper for parsing Bitcoin addresses IPFS file hashes.

Config module has json and yaml formatted application configuration files parsers. App configuration files add better deployment, management, credentials safety and extension capabilities. This module also performs dynamic python module loading, allowing any registered class to be instantiated and parametrized by demand. This feature combined with OOP allows for the same device to be able to change smart-meters and smart-contracts seamlessly.

Log writes a stream of characters to stdout and to files.

Storage supports EWF's Origin release A log storage, designed to record a sequence of off-chain files by updating the previous file contents SHA hash with the next. It is particularly useful to enforce data integrity, by comparing the sequence of raw smart-meter readings with the sequence registered on-chain.

Dispatcher module is helper for handling asynchronous non I/O blocking threads of event triggered tasks. Also know as or event loop it is the framework's main loop skeleton.

Event loop abstraction:

Event Loop

Example App

import energyweb
import datetime

class MyTask(energyweb.Task):
    Example Task

    def coroutine(self):
        print('Task {}: {}\n'.format(self.interval,

class MyApp(energyweb.App):
    Example Application

    def prepare(self):
        print('{} Prepared'.format(self.__class__.__name__))

    def configure(self):
        t1 = MyTask(interval=energyweb.LifeCycle.FIVE_SECONDS)
        t2 = MyTask(interval=energyweb.LifeCycle.ONE_MINUTE, is_eager=False)
        [self.add_task(t) for t in [t2, t1]]

    def finish(self):
        print('{} Finished'.format(self.__class__.__name__))

app = MyApp()

Test loop
if __name__ == '__main__':