
ENotipy is a package to wrap your code and email you upon it's completion

pip install enotipy==1.0.2




ENotipy is a simple script that emails the users upon code completion or failure.

Environment Setup

ENotipy requires 4 environment variables to be setup prior to use. These variables can be set 3 different ways. The first is manually. For a bash shell this would look something like:

export ENOTIPY_EMAIL="dev.notipy@gmail.com"
export ENOTIPY_KEY="SuperSecretPassword"
export ENOTIPY_SMTP="smtp.gmail.com"
export ENOTIPY_PORT="587"

The next way is the info file. These commands can also be placed in a file like the SAMPLE_INFO file provided and passed to the infoFileEnvSetup(./SAMPLE_INFO) function in a script or using -i=SAMPLE_INFO as a command line argument.

The final way is to request environment setup prompts. This can be done with requestEnvSetup() in a script or -r=True on the command line.

For examples of these options, checkout scriptExample and codeExample.py

Note that to use strictly "enotipy" on the commandline that the package must be installed via pip. Otherwise, replace "enotipy" with "python /path/to/enotipy.py".

Script Examples


To access the help menu you can invoke

enotipy -h #Brings up help menu

Environment set up can be done with prompts by as

enotipy "python scriptCodeExample.py" -r=True #Execute with env setup request

or using an info file as

enotipy "python scriptCodeExample.py" -i=SAMPLE_INFO #Execute with env setup info file

If you want to use a sample info file SAMPLE_INFO use

enotipy -g #Generates SAMPLE_INFO

The command can also be given a timeout time in minutes

enotipy "python scriptCodeExample.py" -t=60 #timeout after 60 minutes


def test_fcn(*args):
    x, = args;
    for i in range(x):

if __name__ == "__main__":

Code Example

If you want to use ENotipy in a code it can be used as

import enotipy.enotipy as enotipy
if __name__ == "__main__":
    #The function to be executed
    def test_fcn(*args):
        x, = args;
        for i in range(x):

    # notipy.requestEnvSetup() #This option requests user input to set environment
    args = (10,)
    enotipy.infoFileEnvSetup("./INFO") #This option sets the environment with an info file
    # enotipy.infoFileEnvSetup("./SAMPLE_INFO") #This option sets the environment with an info file
    notifier = enotipy.ENotiPy() #Creating notipy object
    notifier.run(test_fcn,*args) #Calling run to execute the function and send email when completed.