ErrorPro allows to do calculations in IPython with physical quantities, which contain a value, error and unit.

error, uncertainty, propagation, units, physics
pip install errorpro==0.0.1



ErrorPro allows to do calculations in IPython with physical quantities, which contain a value, error and unit.

It's features are:

  • calculations with physical quantities including error propagation and SI unit propagation
  • specifying your data in an intuitive physicist-oriented way
  • calculating whole data sets at once (to a certain extend multi-dimensional)
  • calculating weighted and unweighted mean values
  • fitting curves to data (using scipy's curve_fit)
  • plotting your data (using matplotlib)
  • arranging your data nicely in HTML and LaTex tables
  • showing the error formula and it's LaTex code

To learn more about ErrorPro, have a look at the Wiki!