
Simple menu

menu, dmenu
pip install ethmenu==2.0.3


ethmenu is a simple dmenu replacement written in Python that (in theory, properly) supports both X11 and Wayland.


  • Python 3
  • PyGObject
  • GTK 3
  • make - build-time
  • scdoc - build-time for the man pages

How to install

pip3 install [--user] ethmenu

How to customize

See the ethmenu(5) man page.

The menu window isn't floating in tiling window managers

I tried my best to prevent that, but if it does happen, you'll have to tell your window manager to make it floating. For example, this is how it's done in sway:

for_window [app_id="ethmenu*"] floating enable

Some menu entries are missing

ethmenu-run may suffer the same problem as dmenu_run, and the cache may become malformed. If it somehow happens, delete the cache file located in $XDG_CACHE_HOME/ethmenu-run or ~/.cache/ethmenu-run if $XDG_CACHE_HOME isn't set.

The menu starts up slowly with thousands of options

Yup, it does. And there isn't much I can do with that using GTK. Let's just pretend it was an essential tradeoff for making it pretty.