
EELS and EDS analysis with the HyperSpy framework

python, hyperspy, data, analysis, microscopy, electron, energy, loss, spectroscopy, energy-dispersive, X-ray, EELS, EDS, EDX, SEM, STEM, TEM, data-analysis, data-visualization, electron-energy-loss-spectroscopy, electron-spectroscopy, hyperspy-extension, materials-science, multi-dimensional, physical-sciences, x-ray-spectroscopy, xrf
pip install exspy==0.2.1


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Python Version PyPi Version Anaconda Version License: GPL v3 DOI

eXSpy is a Python package extending the functionality for multi-dimensional data analysis provided by the HyperSpy library. It is aimed at helping with the analysis of X-rays Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS).

Go to the documentation for instructions on how to install eXSpy and start an analysis: Read the docs.

Everyone is welcome to contribute. Please read our contributing guidelines and get started!

Development of eXSpy is documented in the changelog.