
extension class for argparse with json configuration

pip install extargsparse==1.1.4



python command package for json string set

Release History

  • Sep 5th 2018 Release 1.1.6 to fixup bug when call __error_handler is not defined and usage for prog on subcommand
  • Sep 4th 2018 Release 1.1.0 to make the subcommand lines with self set usage
  • Feb 23th 2018 Release 1.0.8 to make the __eq_attr__ for attribute equal
  • Nov 24th 2017 Release 1.0.4 to fixup bug on the print_help with len(usage) == 0
  • Apr 9th 2017 Release 1.0.2 to add flagnochange in options
  • Apr 1st 2017 Release 1.0.0 to for the first formal release
  • Mar 30th 2017 Release 0.9.8 to make the longprefix and shortprefix output and will give the jsonfunc callback
  • Mar 25th 2017 Release 0.9.0 to make no help and no json set and cmdprefixadded option set
  • Mar 24th 2017 Release 0.8.8 to extend new functions for parse options
  • Mar 15th 2017 Release 0.8.2 to fixup bug when call not type equal
  • Feb 20th 2017 Release 0.8.0 to fixup bug in the set_attr_args functions
  • Dec 29th 2016 Release 0.7.2 to make get_subcommands and get_cmdopts with sequential order
  • Dec 13th 2016 Release 0.5.6 add version in the extargsparse support
  • Dec 13th 2016 Release 0.5.4 add get_cmdkey method in ExtArgsParse Object
  • Dec 12th 2016 Release 0.5.2 it fixup bug in release mode of key_debug.py
  • Dec 12th 2016 Release 0.5.0 it remove dependent module for argparse and make all subcommand and attribute for options

simple example

import extargsparse
import sys
commandline = '''
	"verbose|v<verbosemode>!attr=new;optfunc=verbose_opt_func!##increment verbose mode##" : "+",
	"flag|f<flagmode>## flag set##" : false,
	"number|n" : 0,
	"list|l<listarr>" : [],
	"string|s" : "string_var",
	"$" : "*"

def main():
    options = ExtArgsOptions()
    options.usage = ' sample commandline parser '
    parser = extargsparse.ExtArgsParse(options)
    args = parser.parse_command_line()
    print ('verbose = %d'%(args.verbose))
    print ('flag = %s'%(args.flag))
    print ('number = %d'%(args.number))
    print ('list = %s'%(args.list))
    print ('string = %s'%(args.string))
    print ('args = %s'%(args.args))

if __name__ == '__main__':

if the command line like this python test.py -vvvv -f -n 30 -l bar1 -l bar2 var1 var2

result is like this

verbose = 4
flag = True
number = 30
list = ['bar1', 'bar2']
string = string_var
args = ['var1', 'var2']

some complex example

import extargsparse
commandline = '''
	"verbose|v" : "+",
	"port|p" : 3000,
	"dep" : {
		"list|l" : [],
		"string|s" : "s_var",
		"$" : "+"

def main():
    options = ExtArgsOptions()
    options.usage = ' sample commandline parser '
    parser = extargsparse.ExtArgsParse(options)
    args = parser.parse_command_line(['-vvvv','-p','5000','dep','-l','arg1','--dep-list','arg2','cc','dd'])
    print ('verbose = %d'%(args.verbose))
    print ('port = %s'%(args.port))
    print ('subcommand = %s'%(args.subcommand))
    print ('list = %s'%(args.dep_list))
    print ('string = %s'%(args.dep_string))
    print ('subnargs = %s'%(args.subnargs))

result is like this

verbose = 4
port = 5000
subcommand = dep
list = ['arg1','arg2']
string = 's_var'
subnargs = ['cc','dd']

multiple sub command

import extargsparse
loads = '''
      "verbose|v" : "+",
      "port|p" : 3000,
      "dep" : {
        "list|l" : [],
        "string|s" : "s_var",
        "$" : "+"
      "rdep" : {
        "list|L" : [],
        "string|S" : "s_rdep",
        "$" : 2

def main():
    parser = extargsparse.ExtArgsParse()
    args = parser.parse_command_line(['-vvvv','-p','5000','rdep','-L','arg1','--rdep-list','arg2','cc','dd'])
    print('verbose %d'%(args.verbose))
    print('port %d'%(args.port))
    print('subcommand %s'%(args.subcommand))
    print('rdep_list %s'%(args.rdep_list))
    print('rdep_string %s'%(args.rdep_string))
    print('subnargs %s'%(args.subnargs))

if __name__ == '__main__':

result is two subcommand prepared

verbose 4
port 5000
subcommand rdep
rdep_list ['arg1','arg2']
subnargs ['cc','dd']

use in multi load_command_line_string

import extargsparse

def load_s_1(parser):
    load1 = '''
      "verbose|v" : "+",
      "port|p" : 3000,
      "dep" : {
        "list|l" : [],
        "string|s" : "s_var",
        "$" : "+"
    return parser

def load_s_2(parser):
    load2 = '''
      "rdep" : {
        "list|L" : [],
        "string|S" : "s_rdep",
        "$" : 2
    return parser

def main():
    parser = extargsparse.ExtArgsParse()
    parser = load_s_1(parser)
    parser = load_s_2(parser)
    args = parser.parse_load_command(['-p','7003','-vvvvv','rdep','-L','foo1','-S','new_var','zz','64'])
    print('port %d'%(args.port))
    print('verbose %d'%(args.verbose))
    print('subcommand %s'%(args.subcommand))
    print('rdep_list %s'%(args.rdep_list))
    print('rdep_string %s'%(args.rdep_string))
    print('subnargs %s'%(args.subnargs))

if __name__ == '__main__':


verbose 5
port 7003
subcommand rdep
rdep_list ['foo1']
rdep_string new_var
subnargs ['zz','64']

callback handle function example

import extargsparse
import os
commandline = '''
	"verbose|v" : "+",
	"port|p" : 3000,
	"dep<__main__.dep_handler>" : {
		"list|l" : [],
		"string|s" : "s_var",
		"$" : "+"

def dep_handler(args,context):
    print ('verbose = %d'%(args.verbose))
    print ('port = %s'%(args.port))
    print ('subcommand = %s'%(args.subcommand))
    print ('list = %s'%(args.dep_list))
    print ('string = %s'%(args.dep_string))
    print ('subnargs = %s'%(args.subnargs))
    print ('context["base"] = %s'%(context['base']))

def main():
    context = dict()
    context['base'] = 'basenum'
    options = ExtArgsOptions()
    options.usage = ' sample commandline parser '
    parser = extargsparse.ExtArgsParse(options)
    args = parser.parse_command_line(['-vvvv','-p',5000,'dep','-l','arg1','-l','arg2','cc','dd'],context)

result is like this

verbose = 4
port = 5000
subcommand = dep
list = ['arg1','arg2']
string = 's_var'
subnargs = ['cc','dd']
context["base"] = basenum

with extension flag example

import extargsparse
import os
commandline = '''
	"verbose|v" : "+",
	"port|p+http" : 3000,
	"dep<__main__.dep_handler>" : {
		"list|l" : [],
		"string|s" : "s_var",
		"$" : "+"

def dep_handler(args):
    print ('verbose = %d'%(args.verbose))
    print ('port = %s'%(args.http_port))
    print ('subcommand = %s'%(args.subcommand))
    print ('list = %s'%(args.dep_list))
    print ('string = %s'%(args.dep_string))
    print ('subnargs = %s'%(args.subnargs))

def main():
    options = ExtArgsOptions()
    options.usage = ' sample commandline parser '
    parser = extargsparse.ExtArgsParse(options)
    args = parser.parse_command_line(['-vvvv','-p',5000,'dep','-l','arg1','-l','arg2','cc','dd'])

result is like this

verbose = 4
port = 5000
subcommand = dep
list = ['arg1','arg2']
string = 's_var'
subnargs = ['cc','dd']

with extension flag bundle example

import extargsparse
import os
commandline = '''
	"verbose|v" : "+",
	"+http" : {
		"port|p" : 3000,
		"visual_mode|V" : false
	"dep<__main__.dep_handler>" : {
		"list|l" : [],
		"string|s" : "s_var",
		"$" : "+"

def dep_handler(args):
    print ('verbose = %d'%(args.verbose))
    print ('port = %s'%(args.http_port))
    print ('visual_mode = %s'%(args.http_visual_mode))
    print ('subcommand = %s'%(args.subcommand))
    print ('list = %s'%(args.dep_list))
    print ('string = %s'%(args.dep_string))
    print ('subnargs = %s'%(args.subnargs))

def main():
    options = ExtArgsOptions()
    options.usage = ' sample commandline parser '
    parser = extargsparse.ExtArgsParse(options)
    args = parser.parse_command_line(['-vvvv','-p','5000','--http-visual-mode','dep','-l','arg1','--dep-list','arg2','cc','dd'])

result is like this

verbose = 4
port = 5000
visual_mode = True
subcommand = dep
list = ['arg1','arg2']
string = 's_var'
subnargs = ['cc','dd']

with complex flag set

import extargsparse
import os
commandline = '''
	"verbose|v" : "+",
	"$port|p" : {
		"value" : 3000,
		"type" : "int",
		"nargs" : 1 , 
		"helpinfo" : "port to connect"
	"dep<__main__.dep_handler>" : {
		"list|l" : [],
		"string|s" : "s_var",
		"$" : "+"

def dep_handler(args):
    print ('verbose = %d'%(args.verbose))
    print ('port = %s'%(args.port))
    print ('subcommand = %s'%(args.subcommand))
    print ('list = %s'%(args.list))
    print ('string = %s'%(args.string))
    print ('subnargs = %s'%(args.subnargs))

def main():
    options = ExtArgsOptions()
    options.usage = ' sample commandline parser '
    parser = extargsparse.ExtArgsParse(options)
    args = parser.parse_command_line(['-vvvv','-p','5000','dep','-l','arg1','-l','arg2','cc','dd'])

result is like this

verbose = 4
port = 5000
subcommand = dep
list = ['arg1','arg2']
string = 's_var'
subnargs = ['cc','dd']

extension for help and long opt

#! /usr/bin/env python

import tempfile
import sys
import os
import extargsparse

def pair_parse(args,validx,keycls,params):
  if (validx + 1) >= len(params):
    raise Exception('need 2 args for [++pair|+p]')
  val = getattr(args,keycls.optdest,None)
  if val is None:
    val = []
  return 2

def pair_help(keycls):
  return '[first] [second]'

def single_2_jsonfunc(args,keycls,value):
    if not isinstance(value,list):
        raise Exception('not list value')
    if (len(value) % 2) != 0:
        raise Exception('not even sized')
    setvalue = []
    i = 0
    while i < len(value):
        i += 2

def main():
    "verbose|v" : "+",
    "pair|p!optparse=pair_parse;opthelp=pair_help!" : [],
    "even|e!jsonfunc=single_2_jsonfunc!" : [],
    "clr_CA_name" : null,
    "$" : "*"
  options = extargsparse.ExtArgsOptions()
  options.longprefix = '++'
  options.shortprefix = '+'
  options.jsonlong = 'jsonfile'
  options.helplong = 'usage'
  options.helpshort = '?'
  options.flagnochange = True
  parser = extargsparse.ExtArgsParse(options)
  args = parser.parse_command_line()
  print('verbose [%d]'%(args.verbose))
  print('pair (%s)'%(args.pair))
  print('args (%s)'%(args.args))
  print('clr_CA_name (%s)'%(args.clr_CA_name))
  print('event (%s)'%(args.even))

if __name__ == '__main__':
python3 opthelp.py +?

result will be

opthandle.py 0.0.1  [OPTIONS] [args...]

    ++jsonfile     jsonfile     json input file to get the value set
    ++usage|+?                  to display this help information
    ++verbose|+v   verbose      verbose set default(0)
    ++even|+e      even         even set default([])
    ++clr_CA_name  clr_CA_name  clr_CA_name set default(None)
    ++pair|+p      pair         [first] [second]

cc.json file

    "even": ["good", "bad"]
python opthandle.py ++jsonfile cc.json ++pair cc ss rr +vvvv

result will be

verbose [4]
pair (['cc', 'ss'])
args (['rr'])
clr_CA_name (None)
event (['good'])

extension attribute

  • opthelp ** help format information string format like pair_help(keycls) keycls is the parse object to handle ,it can be

  • optparse ** parse function for opt like def parse_opt(args,validx,keycls,params): *** args is the return value from the parse_command_line validx is the value index in the params keycls is the option object you can use optdest for the destination params is the command line all in

  • jsonfunc ** json value set function for opt like def json_opt(args,keycls,value): ** args is the return value from the parse_command_line keycls is the options object you can use optdest for destination value is the value of json

extension get example

#! /usr/bin/env python

import sys
import os
_extargs_parent_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),'..','..'))
if _extargs_parent_dir not in sys.path:
    _temp_path = sys.path
    sys.path = [_extargs_parent_dir]

import extargsparse

def load_s_1(parser):
    load1 = '''
      "verbose|v" : "+",
      "port|p" : 3000,
      "dep" : {
        "list|l" : [],
        "string|s" : "s_var",
        "$" : "+"
    return parser

def load_s_2(parser):
    load2 = '''
      "rdep" : {
        "list|L" : [],
        "string|S" : "s_rdep",
        "$" : 2
    return parser

def debug_cmd_opts(parser,name=''):
    opts = parser.get_cmdopts(name)
    if opts is not None :
        for opt in opts:
            if opt.type == 'args':
            print('[%s] opt %s'%(name,opt.longopt))
    subcmds = parser.get_subcommands(name)
    if subcmds is not None:
        print('[%s] subcmds %s'%(name,subcmds))
    return subcmds

def debug_total(parser,name=''):
    subcmds = debug_cmd_opts(parser,name)
    if subcmds is not None and len(subcmds) > 0:
        for c in subcmds:
            cname = ''
            cname += '%s'%(name)
            if len(cname) > 0:
                cname += '.'
            cname += '%s'%(c)

def main():
    parser = extargsparse.ExtArgsParse()
    parser = load_s_1(parser)
    parser = load_s_2(parser)

if __name__ == '__main__':

result will be

[] opt --json
[] opt --help
[] opt --verbose
[] opt --port
[] subcmds ['dep', 'rdep']
[dep] opt --dep-json
[dep] opt --help
[dep] opt --dep-string
[dep] opt --dep-list
[dep] subcmds []
[rdep] opt --rdep-json
[rdep] opt --help
[rdep] opt --rdep-string
[rdep] opt --rdep-list
[rdep] subcmds []

no default help and no json to specify

if you want no help or json to in the options ,just use option with nohelpoption or nojsonoption

no cmd with prefix

if you want no command prefix to add in the command ,please use option with cmdprefixadded = False give example


if you set this true, it will not change the _ to - in the flag mode

#! /usr/bin/env python

import extargsparse

def main():
    "verbose|v" : "+",
    "dep" : {
      "list|l" : [],
      "string|s" : "s_dep",
      "$" : "*"
    "rdep" : {
      "list|l" : [],
      "string|s" : "s_rdep",
      "$" : "+"
  optstr = '''
    "nojsonoption" : true,
    "cmdprefixadded" : false
  options = extargsparse.ExtArgsOptions(optstr)
  parser = extargsparse.ExtArgsParse(options)
  args = parser.parse_command_line()
  print('verbose [%d]'%(args.verbose))
  print('subcommand [%s]'%(args.subcommand))
  print('list [%s]'%(args.list))
  print('string [%s]'%(args.string))
  print('subnargs [%s]'%(args.subnargs))

if __name__ == '__main__':

give command

python noprefix.py rdep -h
noprefix.py  rdep [OPTIONS] args...
    --help|-h            to display this help information
    --string|-s  string  string set default(s_rdep)
    --list|-l    list    list set default([])


python  noprefix.py  rdep --list cc --list bb 222
verbose [0]
subcommand [rdep]
list [['cc', 'bb']]
string [s_dep]
subnargs [['222']]


  • all key is with value of dict will be flag ** like this 'flag|f' : true --flag or -f will set the False value for this ,default value is True ** like 'list|l' : [] --list or -l will append to the flag value ,default is []

  • if value is dict, the key is not start with special char ,it will be the sub command name ** for example 'get' : { 'connect|c' : 'http://www.google.com', 'newone|N' : false } this will give the sub command with two flag (--get-connect or -c ) and ( --get-newone or -N ) default value is 'http://www.google.com' and False

  • if value is dict , the key start with '$' it means the flag description dict ** for example '$verbose|v' : { 'value' : 0, 'type' : '+', 'nargs' : 0, 'help' : 'verbose increment' } it means --verbose or -v will be increment and default value 0 and need args is 0 help (verbose increment)

  • if the value is dict ,the key start with '+' it means add more bundles of flags ** for example '+http' : { 'port|p' : 3000, 'visual_mode|V' : false } --http-port or -p and --http-visual-mode or -V will set the flags ,short form it will not affected

  • if in flagmode , follows <.*> it will be set for shell output value ** for example '$verbose|v' : '+' this will add change varname from verbose to verbosemode

  • if the subcommand follows <.*> it will call function ** for example 'dep<main.dep_handler>' : { 'list|l' : [], 'string|s' : 's_var', '$' : '+' } the dep_handler will call main it is the main package ,other packages will make the name of it ,and the args is the only one add )

  • special flag '$' is for args in main command '$' for subnargs in sub command

  • !*! the things between ! will be extended attribute for more use

  • special flag --json for parsing args in json file in main command

  • special flag '--%s-json'%(args.subcommand) for subcommand for example ** --dep-json dep.json will set the json command for dep sub command ,and it will give the all omit the command for example "dep<main.dep_handler>" : { "list|l" : [], "string|s" : "s_var", "$" : "+" }
    in dep.json { "list" : ["jsonval1","jsonval2"], "string" : "jsonstring" }

*** example

import extargsparse
import os
commandline = '''
	"verbose|v" : "+",
	"+http" : {
		"port|p" : 3000,
		"visual_mode|V" : false
	"dep<__main__.dep_handler>" : {
		"list|l" : [],
		"string|s" : "s_var",
		"$" : "+"

def dep_handler(args):
    print ('verbose = %d'%(args.verbose))
    print ('port = %s'%(args.http_port))
    print ('visual_mode = %s'%(args.http_visual_mode))
    print ('subcommand = %s'%(args.subcommand))
    print ('list = %s'%(args.dep_list))
    print ('string = %s'%(args.dep_string))
    print ('subnargs = %s'%(args.subnargs))

def main():
    parser = extargsparse.ExtArgsParse(usage=' sample commandline parser ')
    args = parser.parse_command_line(['-vvvv','-p','5000','--http-visual-mode','dep','--dep-json','dep.json','-l','arg1','--dep-list','arg2','cc','dd'])

result like this

verbose = 4
port = 5000
visual_mode = True
subcommand = dep
list = ['arg1','arg2']
string = 'jsonstring'
subnargs = ['cc','dd']

because we modify the value in the command line ,so the json file value is ignored

  • you can specify the main command line to handle the json for example { "dep" : { "string" : "jsonstring", "list" : ["jsonlist1","jsonlist2"] }, "port" : 6000, "verbose" : 4 }

  • you can specify the json file by environment value for main file json file the value is **EXTARGSPARSE_JSONFILE for subcommand json file is DEP_JSONFILE DEP is the subcommand name uppercase

    ** by the environment variable can be set for main command EXTARGSPARSE_PORT is for the main command -p|--port etc for sub command is for DEP_LIST for dep command --list

  • note the priority of command line is this can be change or omit by the extargsparse.ExtArgsParse(priority=[]) ** command input ** subcommand json file input extargsparse.SUB_COMMAND_JSON_SET ** command json file input extargsparse.COMMAND_JSON_SET ** environment variable input if the common args not with any _ in the flag dest ,it will start with EXTARGS extargsparse.ENVIRONMENT_SET ** environment subcommand json file input extargsparse.ENV_SUB_COMMAND_JSON_SET ** environment json file input extargsparse.ENV_COMMAND_JSON_SET ** default value input by the load string

  • flag option key ** flagname the flagname of the value ** shortflag flag set for the short ** value the default value of flag ** nargs it accept args "*" for any "?" 1 or 0 "+" equal or more than 1 , number is the number ** helpinfo for the help information

  • flag format description ** if the key is flag it must with format like this [$]?flagname|shortflag+prefix##helpinfo## $ is flag start character ,it must be the first character flagname name of the flag it is required shortflag is just after flagname with |,it is optional prefix is just after shortflag with + ,it is optional helpinfo is just after prefix with ## and end with ## ,it is optional ,and it must be last part

  • command format description ** if the key is command ,it must with format like this cmdname##helpinfo## cmdname is the command name function is just after cmdname ,it can be the optional ,it will be the call function name ,it include the packagename like 'main.call_handler' helpinfo is just after function ,it between ## ## it is optional

  • enable debug ** you can specified the environment value EXTARGSPARSE_LOGLEVELV=DEBUG to enable the debug of extargsparse

  • ExtArgsParse() input options now supported ** prog program name default sys.argv[0] ** usage usage in the help first line ** description description for the command line handle ** epilog post for help information ** version version number for current program ** errorhandler error handler default 'exit' other can be 'raise' ** helphandler default is None ,can be 'nohelp'

Most Complex Example

import tempfile
import os
import sys
import extargsparse

def main():
  commandline= '''
    "verbose|v" : "+",
    "rollback|R" : true,
    "+http" : {
      "url|u" : "http://www.google.com",
      "visual_mode|V": false
    "$port|p" : {
      "value" : 3000,
      "type" : "int",
      "nargs" : 1 , 
      "helpinfo" : "port to connect"
    "dep" : {
      "list|l" : [],
      "string|s" : "s_var",
      "$" : "+"
  jsonfile = None
  depjsonfile = None
    depstrval = 'newval'
    depliststr = '["depenv1","depenv2"]'
    deplistval = eval(depliststr)
    httpvmstr = "True"
    httpvmval = eval(httpvmstr)
    fd,jsonfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.json',prefix='parse',dir=None,text=True)
    fd = -1
    fd ,depjsonfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.json',prefix='parse',dir=None,text=True)
    fd = -1
    with open(jsonfile,'w+') as f:
      f.write('{ "http" : { "url" : "http://www.yahoo.com"} ,"dep":{"list" : ["jsonval1","jsonval2"],"string" : "jsonstring"},"port":6000,"verbose":3}\n')
    with open(depjsonfile,'w+') as f:
    delone = True
    while delone:
      delone = False
      for k in os.environ.keys():
        if k.startswith('EXTARGS_') or k.startswith('DEP_') or k == 'EXTARGSPARSE_JSON' or k.startswith('HTTP_'):
          del os.environ[k]
          delone = True

    os.environ['EXTARGSPARSE_JSON'] = jsonfile
    os.environ['DEP_JSON'] = depjsonfile
    parser = extargsparse.ExtArgsParse(priority=[extargsparse.ENV_COMMAND_JSON_SET,extargsparse.ENVIRONMENT_SET,extargsparse.ENV_SUB_COMMAND_JSON_SET])
    os.environ['DEP_STRING'] = depstrval
    os.environ['DEP_LIST'] = depliststr
    args = parser.parse_command_line(['-p','9000','--no-rollback','dep','--dep-string','ee','ww'])
    print('args.verbose %d'%(args.verbose))
    print('args.port %d'%(args.port))
    print('args.dep_list %s'%(args.dep_list))
    print('args.dep_string %s'%(args.dep_string))
    print('args.http_visual_mode %s'%(args.http_visual_mode))
    print('args.http_url %s'%(args.http_url))
    print('args.subcommand %s'%(args.subcommand))
    print('args.subnargs %s'%(args.subnargs))
    if depjsonfile is not None:
    depjsonfile = None
    if jsonfile is not None:
    jsonfile = None
    if 'EXTARGSPARSE_JSON' in os.environ.keys():
      del os.environ['EXTARGSPARSE_JSON']
    if 'DEP_JSON' in os.environ.keys():
      del os.environ['DEP_JSON']

if __name__ == '__main__':

result is

args.verbose 3
args.port 9000
args.rollback False
args.dep_list [u'jsonval1', u'jsonval2']
args.dep_string ee
args.http_visual_mode True
args.http_url http://www.yahoo.com
args.subcommand dep
args.subnargs ['ww']

extension mode see example seeextension get example

this is for use when other will use