
Tool to extract information from vcf file.

pip install extract_vcf==0.2


Extract VCF

Many times one would like to extract values from different fields of a vcf file. There is no simple way to achieve this since the annotations can look very different, sometimes they are a flag, sometimes there are multiple values etc.

extract_vcf takes a simple .ini config file that specifies rules of how the information should be treated and build objects called plugins that return the correct values.

examples of config files can be found in extract_vcf/examples


git clone https://github.com/moonso/extract_vcf.git
cd extract_vcf
python setup.py install


This package is made for extracting data from vcf files. Each type of data is described in a config file and a Plugin object will be created for each type of data.
The plugin are given a vcf variant line, and based on the rules it returns the proper value. For integers and floats it is easy to understand rules like 'min' and 'max'. Strings are a bit more complicated, here we will need rules for string matching. So for possible values of a string one can specify a priority for each value, then we can apply rules such as min and max. If no rules are used the entry will be extracted in its raw form. Flags will be returned as booleans.

The plugins have three different methods to get information from the vcf file:

get_raw_entry(variant_line, variant_line, vcf_header=None, individual_id=None)

Returns the raw entry from the correct vcf field

get_entry(variant_line, vcf_header=None, csq_format=None, family_id=None, individual_id=None)

Returns a list with the values splitted according to the delimiters specified. There are two special cases, csq_format and family_id.

- csq_format: takes a list with the csq columns for parsing the csq string annotated by vep
-family_id: Some annotations are on family level so we need to specify which family to search for. If no id is given the first entry 				found will be used.

get_value(csq_format=None, family_id=None) will return the value that meets the criteria specified in the config file. This function will only return one value so record rule and separators has to be specified.

> cat examples/smallest_test/small_config.ini
  version = 0.1 # Float that describes the version number
  name = example # String with the name of the config

[CADD] # Plugin name
  ### Mandatory ###
  field = INFO # Anyone [ID, FILTER, QUAL, INFO]
  data_type = float # [float, int, str, flag]
  # Mandatory for any data type except flag
  record_rule = max # Description of how multiple values should be treated. [min, max, eq]
  separators = ',' # How is the field splitted, this is a list of separators
  ### Mandatory for INFO fields ###
  info_key = CADD # If field = INFO the info_key is mandatory
  ### optional ###
  description = The CADD predicted deleteriousness # A string that describes the plugin
  category = deleteriousness # What category does the plugin belong to

[Exac] # Plugin name
  ### Mandatory ###
  field = INFO # Anyone [ID, FILTER, QUAL, INFO]
  data_type = float # [float, int, str, bool]
  record_rule = min # Description of how multiple values should be treated. [min, max, eq]
  separators = ',' # How is the field splitted, this is a list of separators
  ### Mandatory for INFO fields ###
  info_key = EXAC # If field = INFO the info_key is mandatory
  ### optional ###
  description = The EXAC frequency # A string that describes the plugin
  category = allele_frequencies # What category does the plugin belong to

> cat examples/smallest_test/small_test.vcf
##INFO=<ID=CADD,Number=A,Type=Float,Description="The CADD relative score for this alternative.">
1	879537	.	T	C	100	PASS	MQ=1;CADD=12.5;EXAC=0.02	GT:AD:GQ	1/1:10,10:60
1	879538	.	T	A	100	PASS	MQ=1;EXAC=0.001	GT:AD:GQ	1/1:10,10:60
> import extract_vcf
> configs = extract_vcf.ConfigParser("examples/smallest_test/small_config.ini")
> for plugin_name in configs.plugins:
> with open("examples/smallest_test/small_test.vcf", 'r') as f
	for line in f:
		if not line.startswith('#'):
     	for plugin_name in configs.plugins:
         	plugin = configs.plugins[plugin_name]
         	value = plugin.get_value(variant)
         	print("\tPlugin name:{0}, value:{1}".format(plugin_name, value))

Checking values for variant 1_879537_T_C:
	Plugin name:Exac, value:0.02
	Plugin name:CADD, value:12.5
Checking values for variant 1_879538_T_A:
	Plugin name:Exac, value:0.001
	Plugin name:CADD, value:None

How to build a config file

These files should be in the .ini format and follow the structure described in this section. There are some mandatory fields for any plugin, for certain types of plugins there are extra mandatory fields.

The .ini format consists of sections that are specified by [], for example [Version] would be the Version section.
It is allowed to use nestled sections by increasing the number of brackets, like [[]]. Then the information is specified in a key-value format like name = Example.

Mandatory sections

Each config file needs to have a Version section with a version and a name.


  version = 0.1 # Float that describes the version number
  name = example # String with the name of the config


The sections following the version section are describing the plugins. The section name is therefore the name of the plugin and the fields in the section describe rules for how the information should be handeld.

Mandatory fields

As mentioned the section name describes the plugin.


Then we need to describe what vcf field to look at with

field = INFO # Anyone of [ID, FILTER, QUAL, INFO]

The data type must be specified with

data_type = float # Anyone of [float, int, str, flag]

So a minimal definition of a plugin could look like:

  field = ID
  data_type = flag

This creates a plugin that would return True if a vcf variant have a entry that is not '.' in the ID field.

float, int, str

If the data type is float, int or str we need to specify a record rule and separators. The record rule define what value to choose when there can be alternatives, like:

record_rule = min # Description of how multiple values should be treated. [min, max]

and separators like:

separators = ','

There can be multiple separators, these are then described like:

separators = ',',':'

INFO fields

Info fields must have a info key that determines what info field to search for:

info_key = 1000G_freq

to finish up on the 1000G example the whole plugin could look like:

    field = INFO
    data_type = float
    record_rule = max
    separators = ','
    info_key = 1000G_freq

When sending a variant to this plugin it will search for the max value in the 1000g_freq key in the INFO field.

CSQ keys

If info_key = CSQ we are searching in a vep annotation field and then need a vep key

csq_key = Feature_type

String matches

If the values are strings we need some way to compare them to return the most interesting one. This is being done by forming a subsection with each possible string match and its priority like:

  field = FILTER
  data_type = string
  record_aggregation = min
  field_separators = ';'
  description = Check the filters and return the worst
    value = "PASS"
    priority = 3
    value = "VQSRTrancheBOTH99.90to100.00"
    priority = 2

    value = "LowQual"
    priority = 1

In this case, if 'record_rule' is set to 'min' and a variant a annotation in the FILTER field that looks like:


We would get 'LowQual' from the plugin.