
Python module which provides shorthand methods for frequent os.path one-liners.

pip install ezpaths==0.1


EZPATHS: Shorthand path modification

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Python module which provides shorthand methods for frequent os.path one-liners

Developed because nested os.path functions can be long and difficult to read.



  • Python 3+


Install it directly into an activated virtual environment with pip:

$ pip install ezpaths


import ezpaths # Importing to use module installation as example path
from ezpaths import Path # Typical import

Create a path object by initializing with a path string

# Create path objecet from this file path
path_insatall = Path(ezpaths.__file__)
print('path_insatall: ', path_insatall)
path_insatall:  C:\Users\Brad\Anaconda3\envs\stonks\lib\site-packages\ezpaths\__init__.py

Use the .dir() method to return the path (type: path) to the parent directory

# Get parent directory path
install_dir = path_insatall.dir()
print('install_dir: ', install_dir)
install_dir:  C:\Users\Brad\Anaconda3\envs\stonks\lib\site-packages\ezpaths

The .dir() method can be used to ascend multiple levels

  • Use an integer in the dir method arguments to call recursively
  • Since a path object is returned, calls to dir can also be chained
# Go up multiple directories
libraries_folder_1 = path_insatall.dir(2)
libraries_folder_2 = path_insatall.dir().dir().dir()
print('libraries_folder_1: ', libraries_folder_1)
print('libraries_folder_2: ', libraries_folder_2)
libraries_folder_1:  C:\Users\Brad\Anaconda3\envs\stonks\lib
libraries_folder_2:  C:\Users\Brad\Anaconda3\envs\stonks\lib

To get just the name of the current directory (type: string), use the .dirname() method

# Get parent directory name
dirname = path_insatall.dirname()
print('dirname: ', dirname)
dirname:  ezpaths

Get full filename or just name or extension

# filenames
filename = path_insatall.filename()
print('filename: ', filename)
name = path_insatall.name()
print('name: ', name)
ext = path_insatall.ext()
print('ext: ', ext)
filename:  __init__.py
name:  __init__
ext:  .py

The == operator will check if the absolute address of a path or path-string are the same

# Check if same path
same = libraries_folder_1 == libraries_folder_2
print('same (matching): ', same)
same = libraries_folder_1 == path_insatall
print('same (non-matching): ', same)
same (matching):  True
same (non-matching):  False

The + and / operators will join paths

path_ezpaths = install_dir / filename
print('path_ezpaths: ', path_ezpaths)
path_ezpaths = path_ezpaths.dir() + path_ezpaths.filename()
print('path_ezpaths: ', path_ezpaths)
path_ezpaths:  C:\Users\Brad\Anaconda3\envs\stonks\lib\site-packages\ezpaths\__init__.py
path_ezpaths:  C:\Users\Brad\Anaconda3\envs\stonks\lib\site-packages\ezpaths\__init__.py

A path object is true if the target exists

# Check if path exists
exists_file = bool(path_insatall)
print('exists_file: ', exists_file)
exists_dir = bool(install_dir)
print('exists_dir: ', exists_dir)
exists_random = bool(install_dir / "random.txt")
print('exists_random: ', exists_random)
exists_file:  True
exists_dir:  True
exists_random:  False