
A package to handle UDP telemetry data as sent by the F1 2019 game.

pip install f1-2019-telemetry==1.0.6


F1 2019 UDP Telemetry package

The f1-2019-telemetry package provides support for interpreting telemetry information as sent out over the network by the F1 2019 game by CodeMasters. It also provides command-line tools to record, playback, and monitor F1 2019 session data.

With each yearly release of the F1 series game, CodeMasters post a descripton of the corresponding telemetry packet format on their forum. For F1 2019, the packet format is described here: https://forums.codemasters.com/topic/38920-f1-2019-udp-specification/.

The package should work on Python 3.6 and above.

Project information

The f1-2019-telemetry package and its documentation are currently at version 1.1.4.

The project can be installed using the standard Python 3 pip tool as follows:

pip install f1-2019-telemetry

The project is hosted as a Git repository on GitLab:


The pip-installable package is hosted on PyPI:


The documentation is hosted on Read the Docs:
