Facelesscloud Client
This is a client to interact easily with the Faceless Cloud server API. https://api.facelesscloud.com/
* pip3 install facelesscloud
Get functions
get_region Give you all Region informations and their IDs.
get_os Give you all Operating System informations and their IDs.
get_flavor Give you all Flavor Machine type informations and their IDs.
Make configuration file
Simply use the subcommand "makeconf" to easy start spawning instances.
* facelesscloud makeconf
Spawn a new instance with the config file
Now Spawn the instance using the config file that you just created.
* facelesscloud spawn -c instance-conf.json
Spawn a new instance with args
You can also directly use "spawn" subcommand send give the required params.
* facelesscloud spawn --time 24 --flavor 201 --operating_system 167 --region 1 --sshkey /home/USER/.ssh/id_rsa.pub --kickstart ../path_to_your_bash_script/kick.sh
Ful Documentation
You can visit https://facelesscloud.com/documentation for full information.
Or simply use the "--help" argument to know about other subcommands like, os, region, flavor, etc...
* facelesscloud --help
- Tested against Ubuntu 16 and 18, but can run on Centos or any Linux Distro with python3.
- Little QRCode diplaying bug under Windows, but should work fine.
Authors and maintainers
Originally written by Faceless Cloud
This is a free software. Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell or distribute this software. Do what ever the fuck you want.