
Facial animation evaluation suite

pip install fae==0.1


Facial Animation Evaluation

Script and library for evaluation of facial animation videos. Do you find yourself wanting to evaluate you videos of talking heads but don't know what metrics to use or how to implement them. Well then this repo is for you!


Evaluating Videos

You can calculate metrics for your videos by running:

get_fae_metrics -i <video folder> -r <reference video folder> -a <annotations file>


Argument Short-hand Type Description
--input -i required Folder containing generated videos to be evaluated
--reference -r optional Folder containing reference videos for full reference metrics
--annotation -a optional File containing annotations for the videos (regex or files)
--lipreading -l optional Path to lipreading model
--emotion_net -e optional Path to emotion classification model (will use emonet by default)
--num_emotions optional Number of emotions supported by the emotion classifier
--emotion_aggregation optional How to aggregate the emotions for all frames (voting or average)
--ignore_emotions optional Which emotions should be ignored
--gpu -g optional Should the available GPUs be used (makes script much faster)
--full_report optional The file path to store the full report (containing per file metrics)

Using the library

In some cases you may want to calculate evaluation metrics while you train a model. In this case you can use the MouthEvaluator and EmotionEvaluator classes or the calculate_full_reference_metrics, and calculate_no_reference_metrics methods.
