
Falcon REST framework for API automation

falcon rest framework json
pip install falcon-rest==0.1.1


Falcon REST

Lightweight REST framework for Falcon Framework and (optionally) SQLAlchemy.

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$ pip install falcon-rest

Note: This installs the falcon_json_middleware dependency


Inside your application file:

import falcon
import falcon_json_middleware
from falcon_rest.resources import ModelResource
from marshmallow import Schema, fields
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

# First, let's generate the engine and declare a SQLAlchemy model
db_engine = create_engine("sqlite:///sqlite.db")
Base = declarative_base()

class Animal(Base):
    __tablename__ = "animals"
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String)
    legs = Column(Integer, default=4)

# Next, let's create a serializer for the Animal model. We use marshmallow for serialization.

class AnimalSerializer(Schema):
    name = fields.Str()
    legs = fields.Integer()

class AnimalResource(ModelResource):
    """Example API endpoint to show basics of usage"""

    model = Animal
    serializer = AnimalSerializer()
    # Default is to allow all methods
    allowed_methods = ["GET", "POST", "PATCH", "DELETE"]
    # If you want to use a custom parameter name in your routes
    id_param = "animal_id"  

middleware = [falcon_json_middleware.Middleware()]
application = falcon.API(middleware=middleware)

application.add_route("/animal", AnimalResource(db_engine=db_engine))
application.add_route("/animal/{animal_id}", AnimalResource(db_engine=db_engine))

Now, start up your app with your wsgi server of choice and do a POST /animal with {"name": "Cat", "legs": 4} and you should see a JSON response. You can then take the id from that response and plug it into a GET /animal/<id>.

GET Endpoint (List)

By default, the plain GET endpoint will return a list of all records for the model.

GET Endpoint (Retrieve)

Pass in the id to the route and perform a GET to retrieve a single item.

POST Endpoint

POST any JSON data to the plain endpoint to create a new record. Extraneous fields are ignored. Bulk POST is supported. Return order for bulk POST is guaranteed.

PATCH Endpoint (Single)

You can PATCH a single record if you pass the id into the route.

PATCH Endpoint (Bulk)

You can PATCH multiple records by passing the id field into your JSON array. Return order is guaranteed.

DELETE Endpoint (Single)

You can DELETE a single record if you pass the id into the route.

DELETE Endpoint (Bulk)

You can DELETE multiple records by passing the id field into your JSON array. Failed deletes are silently ignored.