
Quick command line tool to send emails with instructions to a designated person.

email fede-worker
pip install fede-worker==0.0.1



This is a common interface for out friendly co-worker! It will send and email with your request and some basic setup instruction.


Simply run sudo pip install fede-worker to install.


Inside your home create a file named .fedecfg with the following structure:

email =  Name Surname <your@e.mail>

url = <SMTP server address>
port = <SMTP server port>
username = <SMTP server username>
password = <SMTP server password>

How to use

Typical use case:

fede-worker "Test TG project" "Please test the ***** project, it's urgent and I need it done before 2 pm." -t tg

Will send the following email:

From nobody Mon Oct 27 09:47:34 2014
Subject: =?utf-8?q?Test_TG_project?=
From: **** ***** <sender@email.com>
To: **** ***** <receiver@email.com>

Please test the ***** project, it's urgent and I need it done before 2 pm.

Take not of the following instructions when running a TurboGears project:
virtualenv --no-site-packages tg2env
$ cd tg2env/
$ source bin/activate
(tg2env)$ pip install tg.devtools

Use fede-worker -h for more options:

usage: fede-worker [-h] [-e EMAIL] [-v] [-t {tg,A,iOS}] titile message

positional arguments:
  titile                email title
  message               email message

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e EMAIL, --email EMAIL
                        use this sender email address
  -v, --verbose         enable verbose mode
  -t {tg,A,iOS}, --tutorial {tg,A,iOS}
                        Choose project quickstart to send: TurboGears, Android
                        or iOS