Fancy Galaxy Code creator and reader package.

pip install fgc-tools==0.0.20


Fancy Galaxy Code (FGC)

Fancy Galaxy Code (FGC) is an open source standard for fast and reliable data representation while maintaining a nice look and feel.
FGC strifes to serve as a prettier QR-Code straight from the future.
Contributions and integrations into projects are highly appreciated!


PyPI Package
Online FGC Creator


Data processing

  • 4 Version bits
  • n Data + Hamming Code correction bits

Data representation

General structure

Center point is thick and has a fixed distance to the arc surrounding it, which equals the distance from layer to layer.
The dot in the ring around the center point represents the orientation (0 degrees).
For the exact distance calculations see the code.

Every ring can store up to degrees_per_bit - 1 bits, since the first bit of every layer is always a 0.
The degrees per bit can be looked up:

Layer 1: 20° per bit = 360° / 20° - 1 bits = 17 bits 
Layer 2: 15° per bit
Layer 3: 12° per bit
Layer 4: 10° per bit
... 9, 8, 8, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ...
After the last 4° layer (layer 19), every following layer (>= 20) has 3° per bit and can therefore store 360° / 3° -1 bits = 119 bits

Data representation

If the next bit is the same as this bit: Draw an arc
If the next bit is not the same as this bit: Draw a dot

Visual explanation

FGC Explanation

FGC-tools package usage

Install the package via:

pip install fgc-tools

Import the FGCCreator class and create an fgc:

from fgc_tools import FGCCreator


Import the FGCReader and ReadResult class and read an fgc:

from fgc_tools import FGCReader
from fgc_tools import ReadResult

# Read image from file path
read_result:ReadResult = FGCReader.read_image(

# Read image from bytes
read_result:ReadResult = FGCReader.read_image(

Code execution

If you want to experiment with the code in this repository, install the requirements first:

pip install -r requirements.txt