
Flask application for listening to webhooks

pip install flafl==0.0.6



Flask Application For Listening...

PyPI Changelog License Code style: black

Listens for events triggered by Webhooks in an Atlassian Bitbucket server and responds.

It assumes the main purpose is to trigger test plans in an associated Bamboo instance, but can be persuaded to take other actions.


FLAFL requires Python 3.7+. It is tested on Linux and macOS.

You must have a netrc file containing valid login details for the Bamboo hostname used.


FLAFL is published as a Python package and can be installed with pip, ideally by using a virtual environment. Open up a terminal and install with:

pip install flafl


Export the following variables with the correct information:

export NETRC_FILE="/path/to/netrc/file"
export BAMB_HOSTNAME="bamboo.yourorg.com"
export BITB_HOSTNAME="bitbucket.yourorg.com"

To run the tests (see below), these environment variables must be defined, but do not need to have the correct values.

export BITB_PROJECT="test"
export BITB_REPO="test"


To check set-up, run:

python3 -m pytest

or to get test-coverage information run:

coverage run -m pytest

which allows a test-coverage report to be produced:

coverage report

or as a web page:

coverage html
xdg-open htmlcov/index.html


The main application runs as a background service.

In the flafl directory run:

./flafld <command>

to control the service. Specifically:

  • flafld start or flafld run start the service in the background, recording the process ID to ${TMP:-/tmp}/.flafl.pid
  • flafld stop stops the process (and its children)
  • flafld restart stops the running service and starts it again

On starting the service, the port number of the Flask application is printed. Make a note of this for use in setting webhooks up in Bitbucket.

Bitbucket configuration

In a browser, go to the webhook set-up page of your repository in your Bitbucket server:


Create webhook by clicking "Create webhook", giving it a name (e.g. "flafl"), and specifying the URL of your running FLAFL application, e.g.:


No "Secret" is required. Click "Test connection", and you should get a return code of "200", and in "View details", the body of the response from the applications should be:

  "debug_info": {
    "payloadReceived": {
      "test": true
  "message": "Successful connection."

Now select which events should send webhooks to the app. Under the "Repository" column, the following webhooks, if selected, will trigger a respose:

  • Push

and under the "Pull request" column, the following:

  • Opened
  • Modified
  • Merged
  • Declined
  • Deleted
  • Comment added

Others will be quietly ignored. FLAFL can easily be extended to add responses to other tiggers of interest.

Click "Save".

To test the Bitbucket configuration, create a new pull request (the target branch must be within the repository that has the webhooks; the source branch can be outside, e.g. in a fork).

In the directory containing the FLAFL application code, a log file should have been created with some diagnostic output, e.g.:

2019-12-17 17:18:54.360661
Success payload:
    "message": "Created PR with ID 321 from project/repo/feature-branch to project/repo/develop. Sent API call to Bamboo and got return code 204",
    "status": "success"

Also, the application should have automatically added a comment to the PR asking the PR author to add a Jira ticket ID to the PR title. This is an example of the kind of checks the application can perform.

Adding a comment to the PR, and deleting or declining the PR, should also add similar diagnostic output to the flafl.log file.