
ruler501's flake8-import-order plugin.

flake8-import-order, ruler501
pip install flake8-import-order-ruler501==0.18.1



A flake8-import-order ordering definition, defining ruler501's preferred import order style. Originally based on flake8-import-order-grok

The import order enforced by this style is:

  1. __future__
  2. builtins
  3. third-party, grouped separately by package
  4. Application packages by package
  5. Relative imports

All groups of imports require a line break between them, except packages within your application.

All imports must be alphabetical horizontally and vertically. from import groups are on separate lines sorted by constants first, followed by classes, followed by functions (i.e. CAPITAL_CASE, CamelCase, underscore_case).

The names of the application packages can be configured via the application-import-names setting in flake8.

For example, if application-import-names is set to my_project, this import ordering enforces the following ordering:

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals  # 1. `__future__`

import io  # 2. Builtins.
import logging
import os
import tarfile

from django.conf import settings  # 3.1 django
from django.utils.http import urlencode

from dns.exception import DNSException, Timeout  # 3.2
from dns.resolver import NXDOMAIN
from dns.resolver import NoAnswer, Resolver

import requests # 3.3 

import ujson #3.4

from my_project.views import MainView  # 4. Application packages.
from my_project.core.enums import Enum
from my_project.utils.download import DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT
from my_project.utils.download import InvalidURLException
from my_project.utils.download import download_content_url

from .models import Article


Install the flake8-import-order-ruler501 package using pip, then tell flake8 to use this import order style using the --import-order-style=ruler501 command-line option, or by setting it in setup.cfg. The names of your application package(s) can be set by the application-import-names setting:

import-order-style = ruler501
application-import-names = my_package1, my_package2