
password change and set pages for Flask.

flask, change, password, page
pip install flask-change-password==0.0.5


Flask-change-password: Feature rich change password page

PyPI Version

Flask-change-password is a Flask extension that implements create and change password pages that can easily be integrated with a Flask application.


Installation & Basic Usage

Install via pip:

pip install flask-change-password

After installing, wrap your Flask app with an ChangePassword, or call init_app(app).


from flask import Flask
from flask_change_password import ChangePassword, ChangePasswordForm, SetPasswordForm

app = Flask(__name__)

app.secret_key = os.urandom(20)
flask_change_password = ChangePassword(min_password_length=10, rules=dict(long_password_override=2))

The GitHub repository includes a small example application which shows how to use in an application.


This extension uses KnockoutJS for the page view controller and will call the JS from a CDN.

<script src="https://unpkg.com/tko/dist/tko.es6.min.js"></script>

The source will need to be allowed in your CSP, if you have one.


  • app, Flask application. Use init_app(app) to initialise later on.


A rules dictionary controls how the password is checked and certain aspects of the page operation.

The rules are:

rules = {'punctuation': 1, 'uppercase': 1, 'lowercase': 1, 'number_sequence': True,
'username': True, 'numbers': 1, 'username_length': 0, 'username_requires_separators': False, 'passwords': True, 'keyboard_sequence': False, 'alphabet_sequence': False, 'flash': True 'long_password_override': 0, 'pwned': True, 'show_hide_passwords': True, 'min_password_length': 20}
  • punctuation - required punctuation in the password (string.punctuation is used).
  • uppercase - required upper case letters.
  • lowercase - required lower case letters.
  • number_sequence - forbid 3 or more numbers in sequence. ie: 123,234,456 etc.
  • username - forbid the password from containing the user name (if supplied as user).
  • numbers - required numbers.
  • passwords - forbid using a password similar to the top 10000 used passwords.
  • keyboard_sequence - forbid a sequence of 4 or more keyboard letters, ie: qwerty.
  • alphabet_sequence - forbid a sequence of 4 or more alphabetic ordered letters, ie: abcd.
  • long_password_override - number - when a password is this number times the min length, rules are not enforced. Set to 0 to disable. Default is 2
  • pwned - dynamically query HIBP list of hacked and released passwords and forbid any hacked password found. see: https://haveibeenpwned.com/API/v2#PwnedPasswords
  • show_hide_passwords - allow the client to click to show the password on the page
  • min_password_length - minimum length of the password
  • flash - produce Flask flash messages on errors

Use the update_rules method to change the rules.

Username creation not yet discussed.

  • username_length - minimum length for a username
  • username_requires_separators - username must use . or - inside


  • ChangePassword(app=None, min_password_length=20, rules=None) - Create object.
  • init_app(app) - Initialise and start with the given Flask application.
  • change_password_template(form, submit_text=None) - Format and return a
    fragment of HTML that implements the change/set password form. form is the required password operation form. submit_text is the text to show on the submit button. Default is 'submit'
  • update_rules(rules=None) - Modify the current rules by supplying a dictionary of new rules

Adding the form to a page

Call as follows in your Flask application route:

return render_template('change_password.html', password_template=password_template, title=title, form=form,

And include the template using the jinja2 safe pipe.

{% extends "base.html" %}

{% block app_content %}
    <h1>Test Change Password</h1>
    {{ password_template|safe }}
{% endblock %}

Change Password

Example of calling the change password form.

@app.route('/change_password', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def page_change_password():
    title = 'Change Password'
    form = ChangePasswordForm(username='test.user', changing=True, title=title)
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        valid = flask_change_password.verify_password_change_form(form)
        if valid:
            return redirect(url_for('page_changed', title='changed', new_password=form.password.data))

        return redirect(url_for('page_change_password'))
    password_template = flask_change_password.change_password_template(form, submit_text='Change')
    return render_template('change_password.html', password_template=password_template, title=title, form=form,

Create Password

Example of calling the create password form. Use the SetPasswordForm class.

@app.route('/create_password', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def page_create_password():
    title = 'Create Password'
    form = SetPasswordForm(username='test.user', title=title)
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        valid = flask_change_password.verify_password_change_form(form)
        if valid:
            return redirect(url_for('page_changed', title='created', new_password=form.password.data))

        return redirect(url_for('page_create_password'))
    password_template = flask_change_password.change_password_template(form, submit_text='Submit')
    return render_template('create_password.html', password_template=password_template, title=title, form=form,


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