
The Flask JSON API package provides boilerplate code for setting up REST based apps.

pip install flask-json-api==1.0.0


:fire:flask-json-api:fire:: Flask boilerplate setup code for REST application/json API's

The Flask JSON API package provides boilerplate code for setting up REST based apps written with Flask.

Installing flask-json-api

pip install flask-json-api

Using Flask JSON API

Using Flak JSON API is as easy as initiating it with the Flask app instance:

from flask import Flask

from flask_json_api import FlaskJsonApi

app = Flask(__name__)

flask_json_api = FlaskJsonApi(app)

How it works

This package requires the application/json content-type header, or else an HTTP error will be returned:

import requests

# providing the application/json content type will succeed
url = 'http://localhost:5000/api'
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

assert r.status_code == 200

# not providing the application/json content type will fail
url = 'http://localhost:5000/api'

r = requests.get(url)

assert r.status_code == 415

Register expected and unexpected exception types:

Although all errors should be returned as JSON, you can register different exception types as:
  • Expected Errors - will return 400 http error code (and logged with WARNING level)
  • Unexpected Errors - will return 500 http error code (and logged with ERROR level)
class ExpectedError(Exception):
"""Expected error, such as Data Validation Error"""

class UnexpectedError(Exception):
    """Unexpected error, such as database is not accessible"""


Whitelisting paths that do not require application/json

Whenever the flask.request.path starts with any of these exclude_paths, then the application/json header won't be required.


# Please note that if the exclude_paths will contain '/',
# then no path will require the application/json content-type