
eXtended Flask-Admin

pip install flask-xadmin==0.0.6



Flask-xAdmin is an *extended* Flask-Admin extension for admin apps, standing on the shoulders of giants: Flask, SQLAlchemy, Flask-Security and Flask-Admin.


Flask-xAdmin is a *extended* life batteries-included, simple-to-use Flask extension that lets you add admin interfaces to Flask applications.

The goal of Flask-xAdmin is to give additional flexibility to Flask-Admin apps and to make admin developer job easier.

Extended life means that apps built with Flask-xAdmin are smaller and more resistant to database model changes, thus providing admin app extended lifetime & flexibility (between changes).

Flask-xAdmin specific features are tested on SQLAlchemy.

Flask-xAdmin is a new project.


Several usage examples are included in the /examples folder. Please feel free to add your own examples, or improve on some of the existing ones, and then submit them via GitHub as a pull-request.

Documentation (in progress)

Flask-xAdmin documentation will be published at https://flask-xadmin.readthedocs.io/en/latest/.

The docs are auto-generated from the .rst files in the /doc folder. So if you come across any errors, or if you think of anything else that should be included, then please make the changes and submit them as a pull-request.

To build the docs in your local environment, from the project directory:

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
sudo make html

And if you want to preview any .rst snippets that you may want to contribute, go to http://rst.ninjs.org/.


To install Flask-xAdmin, simply:

pip install flask-xadmin

Or alternatively, you can download the repository and install manually by doing:

git clone git@github.com:flask-xadmin/flask-xadmin.git
cd flask-xadmin
python setup.py install

Tests (in progress)

Test are run with nose. If you are not familiar with this package you can get some more info from their website.

To run the tests, from the project directory, simply:

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

You should see output similar to:

Ran 102 tests in 13.132s



This document is created from Flask-Admin/README.rst

Special thanks to Serge S. Koval, author of Flask-Admin and contributors.