Flexible RPG virtual tabletop application

pip install flexirpg==1.99.5




FlexiRPG is a virtual tabletop for pen and paper role playing games.

It aims to be rule system agnostic by providing flexible tools and features.

FlexiRPG was originally derived from OpenRPG.


Installing dependencies.


sudo apt-get install python3-pip


pip3 install --user -U ply


Install a pre-built package for your OS or Linux distribution.

If there is no suitable pre-built package it will need to be built from source using pip install.

  1. Remove libwebkit2gtk-3.0-dev (as the wxWidgets will build with this but wxPython expects a built with WebKit 1):

    sudo apt-get remove libwebkit2gtk-3.0-dev
  2. Install dependencies:

    sudo apt-get install g++ libjpeg-dev libgtk-3-dev libgl1-mesa-dev \
        libglu1-mesa-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev \
        libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev \
        python-dev libwebkitgtk-3.0-dev`
  3. Install with pip:

    pip3 install --user -U wxpython

4- Troubleshooting

If you get an error on while trying to fire up flexi.rpg ImportError: libpng12.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Follow instructions at:


to install libpeng12-0 on your system

Upgrading from Releases before 1.96.2

Nodes using the auto-reset feature and __reset magic variable should be updated to use the new, simpler method by:

  1. Replacing expression that update __name to set the __name variable directly. (e.g., update_hp = __name = "HP [hp] / [total_hp]" should be __name = "HP [hp] / [total_hp]).

  2. Removing any dice rolls used to trigger name, or icon updates.

  3. Using __roll in expressions instead of reading __reset in a reset action (e.g., a damage node could have a __name = "Take [__roll] damage" expression).

  4. Clearing the "Auto reset" checkbox and removing any reset action.

Upgrading from Releases before 1.95.0

Maps saved in versions prior to 1.95.0 are not compatible and may not load correctly.

If you manually added miniatures to the ~/.flexirpg/miniatures.xml configuration file, these will need to be re-added to the library using the new menu option (Map -> Add Miniature to Library...).

New Icons

A set of tree icons for use with 4e D&D powers is now included. The following convention for 4e D&D powers is suggested:

  • yellow: basic attacks, green: at-will, blue: encounter, red: daily.

  • square: standard action; circle: move action; hexagon: minor action; triangle: free/immediate action.

  • sword: melee; bow: ranged; square: close blast; circle: close burst; circle+arrow: area burst; open square: utility/other.