
A lightweight wrapper for flask to make cleaner url routes.

web, flask, webserver
pip install flisk==0.1.3



A lightweight wrapper for flask that support full url type hinting and automatic context parsing.

What is flisk?

  • flisk is a decorator system designed to make url routing across files easier and cleaner.

What flisk does

  • flisk works of a custom decorator under views this allows parsing of kwargs like name, pass_request and classview with this flisk automatically registers the url endpoint based off class name (if applicable) and function name or if you have specified a name it will use that, this works with multi-slash names also e.g v1/home.


  • Here is an example showing how easy it is to start using flisk!

In our main file

from flisk import FliskApp

WEB_SERVER_DETAILS = REGISTERED_APPS = [  # This is the list requires to tell flisk what files contain views in.
    'webserver.myapp.apiviews',   # This happens to be in webserver/myapp/apiviews.py

app = FliskApp(__name__, WEB_SERVER_DETAILS)  # flisk inherits Flask's app class.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app.run("", 5000, debug=True)

Meanwhile in our views file

from flisk import Extensions, views   # We import flisk and register our views

# This makes our url <some base ip>/api/v1/myendpoints/<int:user_id>/
class Api(views.RouteView):
    @views.register_path(name="v1/myendpoints", classview=True, pass_request=True)
    def test(cls, request: Extensions.Request, user_id: int):
        return f"Hello! {user_id}"



  • This decorator can take any combination of name, classview and pass_request or non at all
  • pass_request will only pass the request parameter if it is type hinted as Extensions.Request
  • flisk will automatically generate converters compatible with flask if type hinted, e.g. user_id: int will add /<int:user_id> to the url, extra_url: Extensions.Path will add /<path:extra_url> to the url that flask then registers.

Request - a place holder for type hinting the flask request varible
Path - a place holder for type hinting the path converter built into flask