Fast access to some simple python logging tricks

pip install flog==0.0.5



Fast access to some simple python logging tricks


Latest PyPI version Number of PyPI downloads


Either find flog on PyPI or install it with pip or easy_install

pip install flog
easy_install flog

Basic Usage

Getting a logger: import flog, get a logger with flog.get_logger(__name__)

Logging calls: in and out Get a logger, decorate functions with flog.log_call(<your logger>)

Logging calls with sensitive args (such as passwords): Get a logger, decorate functions with flog.log_sensitive_call(<your logger>)

(new in version 0.1.0) In production environments, you may wish to run with the environment variable FLOG_NOWRAP set truthy. This will make flog.log_call and flog.log_sensitive_call exit as quickly as possible and not attempt to emit DEBUG-level statements. This can also be accomplished by running the interpreter in "optimized" mode (python -O <your entry> or by setting the PYTHONOPTIMIZE environment variable)

(new in version 0.2.0) flog.log_call and flog.log_sensitive_call both now optionally take a callable that will be called with logger-compatible arguments. Suggested uses would be to log at a higher-than-debug level, or piping into another stream handler.

(new in version 0.3.0) CorrelationLoggerAdapter to assist in adding log correlation ids. Use it with flog.CorrelationLoggerAdapter(logger, {"correlation_id": cid}) where cid is some correlation id.


This software is hereby released under the MIT License, as seen in the LICENSE file