Framework for studying fluid dynamics.
FluidDyn is a framework for research and teaching in fluid dynamics. The Python package fluiddyn contains basic utilities (file io, figures, clusters, mpi, etc.). It is used as a library in the other specialized packages of the FluidDyn project (in particular in fluidfft, fluidsim, fluidlab and fluidimage).
Keywords and ambitions: fluid dynamics research with Python (2.7 or >= 3.4), modular, object-oriented, collaborative, tested and documented, free and open-source software.
FluidDyn is distributed under the CeCILL-B License, a BSD compatible french license.
It is recommended to install numpy before installing fluiddyn. Then, the simplest way to install fluiddyn is by using pip:
pip install fluiddyn
You can get the source code from Bitbucket or from the Python Package Index.
The development mode is often useful. From the root directory, run:
python develop
Minimum : Python (2.7, >=3.4), numpy, matplotlib, psutil, future, subprocess32 (for Python 2.7 only)
Full functionality: h5py, h5netcdf, pillow, imageio, mpi4py, scipy, pyfftw (requires FFTW library)
Optional: OpenCV with Python bindings, scikit-image
From the root directory:
make tests
Or, from the root directory or any of the "test" directories:
python -m unittest discover
If you need to cite a FluidDyn paper, feel free to use:
The FluidDyn project started in 2015 as the evolution of two packages previously developed by Pierre Augier (CNRS researcher at LEGI, Grenoble): solveq2d (a numerical code to solve fluid equations in a periodic two-dimensional space with a pseudo-spectral method, developed at KTH, Stockholm) and fluidlab (a toolkit to do experiments, developed in the G. K. Batchelor Fluid Dynamics Laboratory at DAMTP, University of Cambridge).