
routine to backup a folder recursively, claculatin md5 hash to verify copies.

pip install folder-backup==0.1.6



Script to back up one or several folders into other folders:

  • replicating the source folders structure
  • not copying files already in destination (better if md5=True)
  • moving (not copying) files already present in the destination path (requires md5=True)
  • delete (delete=True), or not (delete=False) files from destination that are not present in source
  • copy new files from source into destination verifying the copy (requires md5=True)
  • if a file with the same name (full path) already exists in destination, the parameter if_exists choose how to proceed:
    • 'stop' will not copy or move the file (skip)
    • 'both' will keep both files, adding a numeric suffix to the new file
    • 'overwrite' will overwrite the file in destination

It is possible to prepare a simulation of the actions to be done, using the paramenter simulate=True.
This mode only create the report in Excel format, that can be reviewed and later excecuted using the function execute_actions.

Further documentation and examples will come later...