
Blockdiag preprocessor for Foliant doc maker. Supports blockdiag, seqdiag, actdiag, and nwdiag.

pip install foliantcontrib.blockdiag==1.0.1


Blockdiag Preprocessor for Foliant

Blockdiag is a tool to generate diagrams from plain text. This preprocessor finds diagram definitions in the source and converts them into images on the fly during project build. It supports all Blockdiag flavors: blockdiag, seqdiag, actdiag, and nwdiag.


$ pip install foliantcontrib.blockdiag


To enable the preprocessor, add blockdiag to preprocessors section in the project config:

  - blockdiag

The preprocessor has a number of options:

  - blockdiag:
      cache_dir: !path .diagramscache
      blockdiag_path: blockdiag
      seqdiag_path: seqdiag
      actdiag_path: actdiag
      nwdiag_path: nwdiag

cache_dir : Path to the directory with the generated diagrams. It can be a path relative to the project root or a global one; you can use ~/ shortcut.

>   **Note**
>   To save time during build, only new and modified diagrams are rendered. The generated images are cached and reused in future builds.

*_path : Paths to the blockdiag, seqdiag, actdiag, and nwdiag binaries. By default, it is assumed that you have these commands in PATH, but if they're installed in a custom place, you can define it here.

params : Params passed to the image generation commands (blockdiag, seqdiag, etc.). Params should be defined by their long names, with dashes replaced with underscores (e.g. --no-transparency becomes no_transparency); also, -T param is called format for readability:

      - blockdiag:
            antialias: true
            font: !path Anonymous_pro.ttf

To see the full list of params, run `blockdiag -h`.


To insert a diagram definition in your Markdown source, enclose it between <<blockdiag>...</blockdiag>, <<seqdiag>...</seqdiag>, <actdiag>...</actdiag>, or <nwdiag>...</nwdiag> tags (indentation inside tags is optional):

Here's a block diagram:

  blockdiag {
    A -> B -> C -> D;
    A -> E -> F -> G;

Here's a sequence diagram:

  seqdiag {
    browser  -> webserver [label = "GET /index.html"];
    browser <-- webserver;
    browser  -> webserver [label = "POST /blog/comment"];
                webserver  -> database [label = "INSERT comment"];
                webserver <-- database;
    browser <-- webserver;

To set a caption, use caption option:

Diagram with a caption:

<<blockdiag caption="Sample diagram from the official site">
  blockdiag {
    A -> B -> C -> D;
    A -> E -> F -> G;

You can override params values from the preprocessor config for each diagram:

By default, diagrams are in png. But this diagram is in svg:

<<blockdiag caption="High-quality diagram" format="svg">
  blockdiag {
    A -> B -> C -> D;
    A -> E -> F -> G;