An easy to use UI Framework on top of Qt.

gui, json, pyqt5, pyside6, ui
pip install formify==1.3.1


Docs - PyPi - GitHub

An easy-to-use Python UI Framework on top of Qt (PySide6). Simple things are simple, hard things are not any harder than they are in Qt.


  • Cross Platform: Tested on Windows and macOS
  • Low Boilerplate: Save, load and autosave functionality out of the box
  • A unified API to set and retrieve data in UI elements
  • Layout using tabs, segments, a sidebar and a grid system Row, Col
  • Singe instance enforcement
  • Installation UI based on PyInstaller (Windows only)

Getting Started

Install formify using PyPi:

pip install formify

Write your first App featuring a text area with save, load, and autosave functionality.

from formify import *

ui = ControlTextarea("Write Here", variable_name="text")

MainWindow(ui, title="First App", margin=8)

A more complex Example

...including a menu and basic grid layout:

from formify import *

def reset_value():
    # set the values of our UI elements with variable names. 
    # This works because we wrapped out UI in a "Form"
    ui.value = {'text': 'This will be printed!', 'print_mode': 'Dialog'}

def print_text():
    _text = ui.value["text"]
    if ui.value["print_mode"] == "Dialog":
        tools.ok_dialog("Title", _text)

# Create a grid layout by nesting "Row" and "Col" as needed
# Wrap the layout in "Form" to enable querying: ui.value["text"]
ui = Form(Col(
        # provide variable names to enable save, load and autosave functionality as a JSON file
        ControlText(label="Output Text", variable_name="text", value="This will be printed!"),
        # if no label is provided, the variable name is treated as the name
        ControlSelect(items=["Dialog", "Print"], variable_name="print_mode"),
    ControlButton("print or show dialog", on_click=print_text),

# create the main menu as a dict
menu = {
    "Print Menu": {
        # The value can either be a tuple (callable, shortcut) 
        # or just a callable
        "Print or Show Dialog": (print_text, "ctrl+p"),
        # If the key starts with "-" its treated as a separator. 
        # The number of dashes does not matter.
        "-": None,
        "Reset Data": reset_value

# create the main window. If you do not pass auto_run=False, the app launches.
MainWindow(ui, menu=menu, margin=8)

Bundle Your App

Your app can be bundled into an executable using PyInstaller. Make sure to pyinstaller <> --collect-data formify collect all data from the formify module. Otherwise, the css files won't make it resulting in an import error.

If you're running Windows, use formify-install: