
Time-series forecasting with Fourier series

pip install fourier-forecast==0.0.3



A time-series forecaster that fits by decomposing a daily time-series into seasonality, trend and optional regressors.

  • Fits seasonality & Fourier terms specified
  • Fits specified trend type (e.g. linear, flat, logistic, logarithmic)
  • Fits exogenous regressors
  • Fits specified number of lag terms
  • Option to include terms for regularizing fit for different types of component
  • Optional log transform of time-series to model interaction amongst components (not just interaction with trend)
  • Components can be visualised with plot_components method

Blog posts:


  • For best performance, aim to include at least two cycles of the largest seasonal component to be fitted
  • Multiple waves per seasonality are fit according to the specified Fourier order
    • more terms results in better fit but can result in over-fitting
  • Seasonal periods are set by pre-determined values:
    • weekly seasonality: 7 days
    • monthly seasonality: 30.43 days
    • quarterly seasonality: 91.31 days
    • yearly seasonality: 365.25 days

Future updates:

  • prediction intervals



  • growth: str, default='linear'. Possible values 'linear', 'flat', 'logistic', 'logarithmic'.
  • weekly_seasonality_terms: int, default=3
    • number of Fourier terms to generate for fitting seasonality of 7 days
  • monthly_seasonality_terms: int, default=0
    • number of Fourier terms to generate for fitting seasonality of 30.43 days
  • quarterly_seasonality_terms: int, default=0
    • number of Fourier terms to generate for fitting seasonality of 91.31 days
  • yearly_seasonality_terms: int, default=10
    • number of Fourier terms to generate for fitting seasonality of 365.25 days
  • trend_reg: float, default=0
    • parameter regulating strength of trend fit
    • smaller values (~0-1) allow the model to fit larger seasonal fluctuations,
    • larger values (~1-100) dampen the seasonality.
  • seasonality_reg: float, default=0
    • parameter regulating strength of seasonality fit
    • smaller values (~0-1) allow the model to fit larger seasonal fluctuations,
    • larger values (~1-100) dampen the seasonality.
  • regressor_reg: float, default=0
    • parameter regulating strength of regressors fit
    • smaller values (~0-1) allow the model to fit larger seasonal fluctuations,
    • larger values (~1-100) dampen the seasonality.
  • ar_reg: float, default=0
    • parameter regulating strength of fit against lags
    • smaller values (~0-1) allow the model to fit larger seasonal fluctuations,
    • larger values (~1-100) dampen the seasonality.
  • log_y: bool, default=True
    • takes the natural logarithm of the timeseries before fitting (and the exponent after predicting)
    • all values must be positive or reverts back to False
    • useful for fitting interactive effects between seasonality, trend and regressors


  • fit

    • y: NDArray[float]
      • daily time-series ordered by date
    • regressors: NDArray[float], default=None
      • optional regressors for fitting non-seasonal components ordered by date
    • sample_weight: NDArray[float], default=None
      • individual weights for each sample
  • predict

    • h: int, default=1
      • number of horizons to predict
    • regressors: NDArray[float], default=None
      • regressors corresponding to days to predict
      • if regressors are present during fitting, these must have the same number of features
      • if None is passed, then all values will assume to be 0.
  • fitted

    • returns fitted values
  • plot_components

    • plots bias, trends, individual seasonality terms, regressors and lags
  • plot_seasonality_components

    • plots individual seasonalities terms
  • plot_lag_components

    • plots individual lags in their own subplot
  • plot_regression_components

    • regressor_names: list[str], default=None
    • plots individual regressors as their own subplot


fit and predict example

from fourier_forecast.fourier_forecast import FourierForecast
import plotly.graph_objs as go

dates = ...
actuals = ...

train_test_split = .8
n_train = int(len(dates) * train_test_split)
n_predict = len(dates) - n_train

train_dates = dates[: n_train]
train_actuals = actuals[: n_train]

ff = FourierForecast()
preds = ff.predict(h=n_predict)

fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=dates, y=actuals, mode='lines', name='actuals'))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=dates[: n_train], y=ff.fitted(), mode='lines', name='fitted'))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=dates[n_train:], y=preds, mode='lines', name='preds'))

regressor example with plot_components()

from fourier_forecast.fourier_forecast import FourierForecast

actuals = ...
regressors = ...

ff = FourierForecast(weekly_seasonality_terms=3,
            , regressors)